Boy Or Girl Guineas ? Best Temperament For Handling

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 7, 2014
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I'm looking to start my own little family of guineas got 2 girlies but they were a present for my mum but haven't quite managed to stop saying there mine lol but I want to know which have the best temperament and are more tolerable of cuddles and loves :love::drool:
I don't think any are better or worse than the other when it comes to wanting cuddles. Its all down to their personalities! I don't think the sex really makes a difference. :)
I've always had boys really and they all loved cuddles got 2 girls and they hate it :no: Want to start my own guinea family but might just have to do 2 groups
No plans yet just thinking of building my guinea pig room first then go from there , had guineas all my life but new to girls that was all didn't no if was just my 2 girls or all girls lol knowing me just my girls they are getting "better" but was just curious if any different ? What about breeds ?
Ah right okay :) Well males can be known for being a little stroppy with their hormones, but I'd say females are just as bad! I personally believe its more down to personalities. I don't have a great deal of knowledge when it comes to breeds. However I do own a Rex. Apparently they're meant to be very laid back pigs, but mine is the exact opposite! Once again I think a lot comes down to how they are individually.

I see you're from Nottingham! :) Just curious.. Do you have a C &C cage? If you do where did you get the stuff for it? :)
Aha funny you asked that I've just been looking where I can buy C&C materials . I have found a website that sells the sheets and there's another site I found that will customise them for you , I only have a normal cage :( but I move into a new house sat and I have allocated myself a guinea pig room which I will kit out properly with wood around the room so they have very large rooms of there own :love:
Sounds wonderful! I've found it hard to find places in Nottingham for C&C stuff, so was tempted to get the ready made ones online. Although that takes away half the fun! If you have any luck you'll have to let me know :D Good luck with your piggie room!
I will let you know if find anything have you tried any building places like b&q ? I'll have myself a look about I'm think even my local handy centre might , I will upload plenty pics once the rooms done :D Thank you for help
I've tried B&Q but when I looked, the grids were discontinued! :td: I'll look forward to the pictures, and no problem!
Cuddle-ability is very much down to the individual personality. I have both boys and girls that are happy with being cuddle piggies and others that don't like to be handled. Full stop.

If handling and cuddling is going be very important to you, I would strongly recommend to use one of our recommended rescues to find a suitable pair of piggies; they may be adults rather than babies. Good rescues know the personalities of their charges. You can also rely on any sows not being pregnant and any boars being firmly bonded, as well as all piggies having undergone quarantine and being perfectly healthy. We can only guarantee with for the standards and ethics of the rescues listed in or locator.
@ayemee you can buy both the white and black grids from amazon not as a kit so you still get all the fun. Black work out more expensive than the white ones. A set of 30 white grids and connectors from amazon costs around £32-34 - search Seville storage cubes.

You can then buy correx separately from ebay. I can't post a link but I got mine £20 inc p&p for 3 sheets 1.2m x 2.4m each sheet from a seller called thealuminiumshop. They sell either black or white. Mine was 2mm but they sell other thickness too and also just single sheets for less. You will need to cut and fold to your desired shape yourself.
I'm pretty sure it depends on the pigsonality of each guinea pig.

I've had 6 boys and 1 girl - not a fair match up to judge- and 5 out of the 6 boys loved cuddles and one boy is really confused and used to dart, now he just turns as you try to touch him to look what you're doing and my female piggie legs it. She's great at being held but its more because she freezes than enjoys it.
No. I have two boys together, Romano and Matthew

Then I have a neutered boar, Ryou, in with my Sow, Sakurai.
I agree with the above comments. Their sex makes no odds. I have had a really stroppy (and I mean REALLY stroppy!) girl and lovable boys and vice versa.

I think boys can be a little more aloof sometimes but again it depends on the personality, their environment etc. I put my current boy's attitude down to the fact he takes managing his four girls very seriously indeed and cannot be seen to have a soft side (coz its there really!)
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