
Aug 22, 2018
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So is cardboard safe for guinea pigs like the card bord from Amazon boxes and what is the rule for it can I leave it in there cage or should I only use it for floor time and is it safe for them to chew it
I use amazon boxes for my two all the time, they chew them for a bit but often get bored. I cut holes in the sides they run through them, jump on top of them etc. I just removed any areas of tape so they can’t chew it.
My two are outside in my shed so usually have a cardboard box or two filled with hay to snuggle up into.
Just have s look at the Cartot Cottage Demolition thread to see how much guinea pigs enjoy boxes.
Mine currently have the box the new water filter came in to play with.
Fill a box with hay and they will be happy.
Just be sure they can’t get stuck
Mine think the Amazon box is the best part of an online hay and pellets order too :) I fill them with hay and veg and give them to the piggies for 4-6 hours of playpen time, but if you take the tape off they should be safe in the cage or hutch if they fit!