Bowl Tipping

Mine tip bowls all the time. They tend to put their paws up on them, and their weight just tips them. You could try a heavier bowl? I replaced all mine with ceramic bowls similar to cat bowls, and these seem to stand the abuse a bit better.
Why you ask? Because their main goal in life is to break our hearts :))

I've got Beco bowls that absolutely do not tip, they have tried! XD They're also eco friendly and biodegradable so I love them. Made from bamboo and rice husks!

StayBowls look fab too, I was going to get one but then I found success with the Beco ones so I didn't bother.
Mine tip bowls all the time. They tend to put their paws up on them, and their weight just tips them. You could try a heavier bowl? I replaced all mine with ceramic bowls similar to cat bowls, and these seem to stand the abuse a bit better.
This little lady uses her nose to tip and push the bowl down the ramp.
My lot are scatter fed. Cant tip a bowl if its not there! Actually they have bowls for their water. Big heavy ceramic ones.
One of mine tipped a bowl of water over himself and his buddy once, he's never tipped a bowl over since :whistle:

The other one has only tipped a bowl once and he smacked his face with it in the process, so I doubt he'll be trying it again either :doh:

Yeah, my two aren't the brightest, but in this case I think it works in my favour...:))