Both guinea pigs stopped eating peaflakes?


New Born Pup
Nov 8, 2023
Reaction score
So I normally feed my guinea pigs pea flakes and I loved them but now they seem uninterested. I did just get a new bag and before they were more used to eating smaller peaflakes than the bigger ones but now they wont eat the bigger peaflakes from the new bag? they also both seem healthy so i dont think this is a health issue
Sometimes I will Stan one and he just drops it in disgust, Squirrel would do anything for a pea flake - but he doesn't get them very often - I am sure he has written to the RSPCA complaining about the harsh rations.
Squirrel should write to Miss Brambe GPU Shop Steward for advice on Slave Training on how to
get more peaflakes.
Dear Squirrel

I've learnt that you don't get pea flakes very often. This will not do!

You clearly need to train your Slave better. To do this you need to:-
  • Wheak as often and as loud as possible. Slaves really like you to do this when they are on the phone or talking to someone important as it makes them appear like an animal lover who takes care of their pets very well.
  • Take up bar biting (but not so hard that it breaks your teeth) Slaves find the noise very comforting and if they tell you to stop it ignore them as they don't mean it.
  • Stand with your front feet on your food bowl and look hungry. If your Slave doesn't use a food bowl stand on your hind legs with your front paws on the bars and look hungry instead
  • Whenever you hear a crisp packet, the fridge door open or a knife on the chopping board let your Slave know that you haven't been fed in Eleventy Billion Years by wheeking whilst zooming around your cage.
  • Look really fed up, unhappy and sad. Your Slave will feel so guilty that pea flakes will be forthcoming.
  • Contact GPFANS (@Viennese Furbabies) for further help.
I hope that following my advice will get you the pea flakes you so deserve.

Your friend in a crisis

Miss Bramble
Shop Steward
Dear Squirrel,
you have got our full sympathy because you're deprived of pea flakes. We hope that your slave will give out more peaflakes after you followed Miss Bramble's brilliant advice.
But if your slave is still reluctant to accooperate, we advice a few well placed nips when your slave is giving out treats that you don't like as much as pea flakes. We will email you infornation on our nipping course schedule.
Wheeks Kylie