Bossy Boots

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Nov 13, 2011
Reaction score
near Rugby
Hello - our two girl piggies are now 4 months old, and it's becoming apparent that Machu is more dominant than Picchu. Their cage has one sleeping area under cover (Machu is much shyer and spends a lot of her time hiding out in there), and I've noticed that poor little Picchu isn't allowed in there by her sister - she gets rumbled at and scoots out pretty quickly. Is this a problem? They're in a warm room, and there's an extra play tunnel in the cage where she can hide out if she wants - should I be worried?
I would say it's normal pecking order, the boss pig gets first pick of the food, beds etc. My 3 have a definite order, the oldest gets the first choice of where to sleep etc, but I ensure there are more food bowls, & that there are several hidey places so that all of them get a place to hide away when they want. :)
When you have two guinea pigs you have to get two of everything so they do not fight over things. One is always the boss so nothing to worry about with the chasing.
Ok - I think Picchu is happy with the tunnel. They're pretty good at sharing their food - in fact Picchu (the less dominant one) usually gets more of the veggies, as she's already out there when they arrive! She's also the one who wheeks when she sees me opening the fridge, and then wheeks extra loudly when the veggies arrive - I think that's her telling Machu there's food there, as that's the only time Machu will poke her head out of her hidey-hole!
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