Boris & his ladies enjoying some Timothy Hay


Staff member
Nov 1, 2013
Reaction score
Cheshire, England
Boris and his ladies just love Timothy hay.

But the girls often edge him out when there are goodies to be had. I thought I’d missed him but if you look very carefully you’ll spot him….


So that is why this time he decided to be right in the centre of the hay pile
But he came out when I called him

Poor lad - it’s tough keeping up your 1580g physique when you’ve got greedy wives!
Well he often misses out on first pick of the veggies because they block him out. So I guess diving into the middle of the pile of hay meant he couldn’t be edged out. He’s such a softie. They run rings round him.
Well he often misses out on first pick of the veggies because they block him out. So I guess diving into the middle of the pile of hay meant he couldn’t be edged out. He’s such a softie. They run rings round him.
Luigi dives in the middle to block poor Lolo from getting stuff, or at least coat it with his wee first! :doh::))
You’re such a sweet and gorgeous gentleman Boris :luv:
They're all so cute and happy looking. Well done Boris for diving in. You wouldn't want to loose out on all the tasty hay. 🤭😍😍😍
Boris is such a sweetie.
I love that he lives with his own little harem and they are still in charge!
Biggest butt in that cage by far, but absolutely bottom of the pecking order. Those smaller butts often squeeze him out when there’s good stuff to be had!
Well he often misses out on first pick of the veggies because they block him out. So I guess diving into the middle of the pile of hay meant he couldn’t be edged out. He’s such a softie. They run rings round him.
Sounds like he's a true gent