Bores, Bonding, Fighing and Housing

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Right I started off with Franklin, Harry, Leo and Tinker together in a group. Harry died (RIP) and then Tinker attacked Franklin big time. Franklin had to come out and be looked after.

Franklin then was all alone after he was fully healed so I got him a friend a 7 week old one called Benjamin. Everything was fine. The next day I was offered another rescue piggy who is called thomas. Everything going well. So now I had Benjamin, Franklin and Thomas together and Tinker and Leo together.

Anyway Tinker started to pick on Leo and got very nasty. Before he ended up like Franklin I removed him and put him in a cage. This now meant I had a group of three and 2 single pigs. Not ideal I thought to myself as poor old Leo did nothing wrong and now was all alone.

With Benjamin only being about 9 weeks old still I put him in with Leo. Cleaned the cage so no smells and dumped them both in.

It all went super till 2am this morning and htye had a bit of a tiff, not blood and just a few mini scraps since then but I am concerned. I don't want to end up having to split them because Benjamin after being gone so long could not go back with Thomas and Franklin I don't think. Tinker will not tollerate anyone so I would have no option apart from keeping Leo in one cage and Benjamin in another and then Thomas and Franklin stay together.

Hope that makes sense LOL.

Anyone have any bonding tips? Unless I see blood should I just let them get on with it?
The only tip i'd offer over and above what you've done already is not to just dump new piggies in a cage together - there will probably still be some smells lurking around that might set them off. I'd always try (if you can) introducing them gently on totally neutral ground - be it a floor, on your lap etc. - so that they can get to know each other a little more on their own terms. Good luck!
Thanks. I went for the dump in option as when I put them in the bath or on the floor they just sit and look at me they don't go near each other or interact in any way. I spent an hour with them both sat on the end of my bed, all they did was chew the blanket and eat a bit of veg LOL. I get them all out together a lot of the time and none of them ever have any issues on a blanket, they just potter arround and do their own thing!
Hehe - mine were like that too, they just sat around looking puzzled! The more you get them out on the floor, or on your blanket, the more they'll feel at home. Their confidence will grow, and they'll be more lively. Keep on doing what you're doing - getting them out to meet on your blanket, and they'll show more and more signs of life the more you do it. If they get on well like this, then I'd put them together in a cage and keep watch over them for a while. And definitely two of everything - water bottles, food bowls, hideys - boars can get quite territorial! But two bonded boars are so worth the effort. Ours are such great friends and companions - they have their funny moments, rumble-strutting and the odd bout of horniness (!) but they look out for each other so much. Best of luck!
They have been in a cage today with a very basic set-up. Food, veg, hey and water no hides at all and they are doing very well. 1 mini tiff that lasted all of 2 seconds LOL so fingers crossed we are making progress.
perhaps if you can seperate them all for 48 hrs then try the mixing seems to work if none are an established group
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