Bored Pigs...


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 5, 2023
Reaction score
South West Somerset, UK.
I really feel our two boys (one year old, living separately - side by side) are bored because we can't afford to buy them any extra 'toys' at the moment and they are bored of their treat balls and apple sticks. Bramble is constantly biting the bars at Herbert when he's awake, and not eating, and they don't really have any thing else to do except for eating hay and sleeping. 😥

They have their veggies twice a day which they look forward to, but I don't scatter that for them to forage on, because I always soak it with water and put it in a bowl to help prevent bladder stones, and they also have a urinary supplement crumbled into it as well, so I have to mix it all up into a bowl for them, then it is usually a bit too wet to scatter around and obviously I don't want all the water and supplement to run off. I do this twice a day. I also pick them some grass and wild grasses with seed heads which they love, and the odd bit of strawberry/raspberry leaves from the garden, most days.

We have plenty of empty cardboard boxes for them, which we use as their beds, or make shift levels for them to go up on, because they like to jump up on these and go to sleep on them. So we can't really fill the cage with too many more of them, and then what would we put in them if we did, as they already have their bed boxes? We have tried empty paper bags filled with hay and empty toilet roll holders, but they're not really that interested in them. They do usually get a Little Ones hay stick (which is covered in petals, carrot or marigold flowers) once or twice a week, but even that seems to have got boring for them now, and it has gone up in price a lot too!

I just wish we had more money to buy them lots of different things all the time, because it must get so boring for them. They can't free range either because our place really isn't suitable.

I also think because it's just the two of them, it's not as stimulating as having/being next to more pigs, because obviously if one is asleep and one is awake, they have nobody else to interact with. Herbert basically ignores Brambles almost constant bar biting at him, and often just carries on eating or sleeping while he's doing it, which is quite amusing, especially as it usually makes Bramble bite the bars even harder and get quite frustrated at Herbert ignoring him! 😆

But is is ok for Bramble to be biting the bars all the time? 😕
It’s lovely that you want to be able to buy them things but actually it’s not what they need. Mental stimulation is what is important.
Scattering veg is a great one and actually with feeding the veg wet, the amount of additional water they would actually take in is negligible (certainly not enough to prevent stones).

It’s not a problem that it’s just the two of them - a lot of people only ever have two piggies and it doesn’t mean they are bored. Bar biting can be to get attention but it may also be bit of territorial behaviour.
I have three single piggies - lots of hay and foraging, cardboard boxes and tunnels, interacting between the bars. Mine don’t free range - they are in my shed so only get run time in summer - and I’m certain mine aren’t bored.

Enrichment Ideas for Guinea Pigs
It’s lovely that you want to be able to buy them things but actually it’s not what they need. Mental stimulation is what is important.
Scattering veg is a great one and actually with feeding the veg wet, the amount of additional water they would actually take in is negligible (certainly not enough to prevent stones).

It’s not a problem that it’s just the two of them - a lot of people only ever have two piggies and it doesn’t mean they are bored. Bar biting can be to get attention but it may also be bit of territorial behaviour.
I have three single piggies - lots of hay and foraging, cardboard boxes and tunnels, interacting between the bars. Mine don’t free range - they are in my shed so only get run time in summer - and I’m certain mine aren’t bored.

Enrichment Ideas for Guinea Pigs
It is territorial behaviour from Bramble, because he rumbles at Herbert a lot too, in between the bar biting! But I assumed it was also due to boredom.
We bring in willow twigs which they love to chew. An egg box stuffed with hay mixed with some forage or a few pea flakes or veggies is popular too.