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Booking his neutering

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Jan 21, 2008
Reaction score
Hertfordshire and Leeds
I phoned up several vets but i don't know what one to choose. Ive already ruled out the ones that had to check if they did do neutering. The price ranges from £45-60 and i have about 4 to choose from. One of the ones that was £45 as soon as i enquired the receptionist said that they do alot of neuterings and she seemed rearly knoledgeable but i don't know why it is cheapest and i don't just want to go for the cheapest option i want the best but i guess the best isn't always the most expensive, I'm sooo confused :-\ 98) :-\. The one that is £60 is the one we take our cat and dog to and when i had pigs like 7 years ago we took them there too and one vet was good but the other not so good but there could be new vets there by now anyway.
i would forget about the prices and not let that put you off, youve obviously asked them questions etc, so if you feel like the cheapest one is the best then go with them :)

maybe you could ask more questions? do they have percentages of sucessful neutering? :)
My boars cost me £44.66 each when i got them done. My vet is very cavy savvy and I wouldn't have trusted them with anyone else. More expensive isn't always best x
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