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Aug 26, 2011
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hey guys, I know some people say it may tske a while to bond with a piggie, and with oscar it took a while but then he would follow me around the room, and make the happiest noise when he had cuddles, and mainly just for me. but now i have alvin and its only taken a few weeks for him to be like this, is this normal or is it because ive been hugging him a lot? its the best feeling to share the love and trust of an animal, just like debbie says:D are you guys bonded with yours?
I love my boys, but the best bit is definatly seeing how they bond with their friend. When they snuggle together in a cosey, nothing better.
I had a very close bond with my first piggy Minx, who followed me everywhere in house and garden (including climbing upstairs, getting into the fridge and overseeing my gardening work).

However, as I have now piggies living in close knitted groups, their first bond is to their friends. I still have piggies who are cuddlier than others, and some nosy souls always come up to see what I am up to. Some, like Hywel, Nerys or Tegyd I can give little cuddles while they are running around.
I am bonded closely with Peter mostly cos I was mean and kept him on his own next to the girls while he was neutered and during the safety period so spent a lot more time with him. Buddy seems to be going the same way because he's on his own he gets more one on one time. Jemima is probably the next closest but more because she seems more confident whereas it takes a lot for Bea to be in my sight without running away and Bumble isn't fond on me getting too close
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