I hope that eventually US rescues will also start to offer bonding at the rescue; but it takes time and experience, which is not something everybody has and can offer. Rescue bonding cannot cut out all risks of failure down the line, but it certainly can cut out the most obvious character clashes where you know pretty much straight away that it is never, ever going to work. For being so dependent on company of their own kind, piggies can be astonishingly finicky on who they want to get on with!
Please read through our information threads at the top. We will answer any specific questions you may have!
When you are looking for a companion without the option for bonding, it is usually safest to search for a young, preferably submissive guinea pig. If you have got rescues or shelters near you, you could ask if they have got a suitable piggy, as they are the most likely to know their piggies' personalities. Please be aware that a people friendly single piggy doesn't necessarily mean that they will get on when they meet company of the same species. It can be rather frustrating when you would like to do the right thing, but are not able to!
Unless the rescue is doing a mandatory quarantine or if you are getting your piggy from another source, you will need to cnduct a quaratine yourself first to make sure that nothing nasty is carried across.
PS: You can help us to give you any appropriate advice and links straight away by adding your state to your details. with members from all over the world, we prefer to take the local possibilities and brand names into account when posting. You can do so by clicking on the top bar, then go to personal details/location. In the same section you can also create your avatar, the picture that always appears with your name.