Bonding With Shelly


Adult Guinea Pig
Jan 11, 2016
Reaction score
West midlands
Me and Shellybean have been discussing her soon to be new role as leader of a herd :lol!: the hands off approach I've taken after breaking the bond we had during her bad reaction to Baytril seems to finally be paying off. I can actually take her out of her cage in her tube now with minimal screaming and cage destruction! (She's 1/4 cut so a little...temperamental!) Hopefully I can get her as chilled as Leonard eventually :)

She looks lovely. Glad you are successfully rebuilding your bond with her. It is sad that we can't explain to them that the medicine is to help them.
Thats meant to say 1/4 cuy, not cut...flippin auto correct! lol I felt really guilty, it was only a mild UTI but the antibiotics that were meant to help made her 10xs worse! But it seems I'm forgiven, as long as I dont bring a syringe near her ever again :xd: She's such a little sweetie when she isnt freaking out.
Aww she LOOKS so sweet and innocent. Glad she is starting to trust you again.
I love her colouring! :love: She is stunning :drool:
Oh my goodness she is beautiful. I too adore her colouring! Those little pink pig lips oh dear I seem to be swooning. I'm glad she's feeling better, and that she's not punishing you any more :))