Bonding while there a sow about.

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Adult Guinea Pig
Jun 26, 2011
Reaction score
Bathgate, Scotland
I've been in a dilema recently about trying to rebond my rescue piggy Harry with my current piggie, who is very dominant and after two days of constant chasing Harry bit Theo out the blue. Theo gave in and ran away though which is a good sign.
I wondered though, give Harrys neutered could I adopt a female wifey for him and try and bond Theo with a different piggy? If I do this and got a rescue to oversee Theos bonding with another piggie will there be potential issues in there bonding process if there is a sow in the house or a sow introduced a few days/ weeks after they've been introduced and bonded?
Any advice would be really appreciated.
If you get a sow for the neutured male, the un-neutured male (s) would go crazy, which could lead to fighting. You would need to to keep them in seperate rooms if you wanted to do that unless you got a female for each, but me personally i wouldnt put one of my boars through getting neutured just so he could live with a female.

The boar dating is a good idea. They would get to choose their own wee friends. Would you consider boar dating with both your males and get 2 males?
I keep my boys and girls in hutches and cages next to each other... And out of the 42 I have in at the minuet I have never had any problems caused by keeping boys and girls next to each other....
All but two of my boys are bonded pairs... One neutered with a herd of girls and one intact with a spayed girl... And I can honestly say the only time we have boys showing off is if the runs are literally pushed up next to each other...
Good luck with your bonding...
I agreed with Clare, boys and girls are housed next to each other in rescues. I have a pair of un-neutered boars living next to a male and spayed sow with a neutered boar and sow on the floor above and another male and spayed sow above them. So the boys are surrounded by girls and it doesn't bother them. Apart from a lot of popcorning from Bob when Penny moved in next door and they had a snog through the bars they live happily alongside each other and did when Matilda used to live next door before.
Oh no I have no plans to get Theo neutered. I just thought given that Harry was maybe it would better for him to have a wife and rebond Theo with a different piggie and save him the stress of a bath etc.
They'd be in different rooms, I just didn't want to go ahead with this is having a sow in the next room would mean Theo would never find a cage mate as this was the whole point of getting harry in the first place.
So the dating really is much more about personality than sows being about then?
What exactly happens in boar dating, is it a long proceSs? Do they gradually increase there time together?x
Do you know of any in Scotland per chance? The rescue Harry is from do introductions but not a dating service as such :(. They observe for a few hours and then let them go home.
I was told if you brought a sow in all the males would fight over her :{

Just ignore my comment then :))

I know if i brought a sow in my boys would kill each other over her...but mine would kill each other anyway if they had the chance mallethead
Hi Stacy if you put a sow in with two males they will fight over her. If she's just living next door they should be fine, I'd only be a little wary if the boys had an unstable relationship already.
I think we all confused each other. :))
Hi Stacy if you put a sow in with two males they will fight over her. If she's just living next door they should be fine, I'd only be a little wary if the boys had an unstable relationship already.
I think we all confused each other. :))

They fight over me so i would dread to think how mine would be if there was a female of their own kind in the room :))
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