Bonding: When To Call It A Day?

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 27, 2011
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Hello. I could really do with some advise after trying, unsuccessfully, to bond my neutered boar with my three girls. I have had guinea pigs for just over ten years and done many introductions but never have I struggled like I have with these four!

My boar Rupert is just over a year old and after the sad loss of my other boy Trevor I decided to see how he'd find living with the girls. I set up a neutral space in the bathroom with some newspaper and hay scattered about and a few pieces of lettuce. I placed Rupert in first and then gradually introduced the girls one by one. After about an hour things seemed to be going really well, there was the usual rumblestrutting and bum sniffing but nothing that would of been cause for concern.

Eventually I decided all was going well so I thoroughly cleaned their cage out which is the girls 2x7 which I joined to Ruperts 2x5 and popped them in making sure there were no places anyone could get cornered or stuck, they also had several food bowls/bottles and plenty of hay available.

Fast forward a few days and Rupert is now back in his own 2x5 with a grid up blocking access to the girls, but he can still see them. I gave them around two days to settle in but one of my girls, Maggie took exception to Rupert and become very confrontational with him resulting in lots of chasing and unfortunately ended up with Maggie biting him on his back (which I have gently cleaned with warm water but will be watching for signs of infection) she's younger than the other two girls, who were actually getting on quite well with him, and she seems somewhat protective of her two cage mates.

Ultimately is there any realistic chance Maggie could accept him? I've considered a buddy bath but I can't help but think that will end in soapy bubbles and blood! I have also considered adopting a younger boar but ideally I would love for Rupert to be able to live happily with the girls.

Thanks if you managed to make it to the end, any advice is very much appreciated :)
Could you try him with just 1 of the girls ? Is there 1 you think might get on with him if she was on her own with him ?
I had the same thought maxdawn. My other girls have a very strong bond, we adopted them together and believe they could be sisters so part of me feels it would be unfair to separate them despite the fact they would still be "nose neighbours". The irony is that Maggie would of made a great candidate to live with Rupert except for the fact she can't stand him!
I am very sorry that things have not worked out; failed bondings are why we recommend dating/meet&greet at a good rescues if at all possible. Fights can sometimes escalate/blow up very quickly.

To be honest, I can't see Maggie ever accepting him. Once there have been bloody fights with bites, that is definitely the end of the road.Guinea pigs don't usually change their minds once they have decided that somepig is "not us". I assume that Maggie is the (rather dominant) top sow and that Rupert was threatening to take over her coveted position? A group bonding often depends on acceptance by the top lady; undersows generally will go along with her decision.

If I were you, I would introduce one of the undersows to Rupert. There shouldn't be any major problems as she is not likely to challenge his dominance, but you should know within 15-30 minutes of initial interaction. Give Rupert and the girls a few days to calm down again, let the wounds heal and give Rupert and his girl a bath before introducing them well away from the other girls.
You've got it in one Wiebke, Maggie very much likes to be in charge, I think she simply doesn't want to "share" the other girls. I would be interested in your opinion about splitting my other two girls up, I'm worried about the affect this may have on them. Would you recommend that the cages be permanently separated, so no grids joining them in-between?

I have considered Rupert living as a solo pig with the girls as neighbours but he's still young and it really makes me feel for him knowing he could spend the next 5+ years like that...Boar dating is something I am definitely considering but ideally (and I must confess I feel somewhat selfish) I would be happy sticking with the four pigs I have now, but saying that, making sure Rupert is happy is my priority.
You will need to separate permanently into two pairs; Maggie with her best friend and Rupert living iwth the other girl. Maggie will unfortunately (at best) only accept a submissive boar, which rupert obviously isn't. If you can get away with having two pairs living next to each other, I wouldn't try for more, but please let Rupert have a "sowfe" for company!
Thanks Wiebke, your experience and advice is invaluable :) Yes the idea of Rupert living alone is not something I'm entirely comfortable with so I will have to have a think over the next few days as to which of my two other girls may be a good match for him.

I only hope it all goes ok, I don't think my nerves can handle much more!
Thanks Wiebke, your experience and advice is invaluable :) Yes the idea of Rupert living alone is not something I'm entirely comfortable with so I will have to have a think over the next few days as to which of my two other girls may be a good match for him.

I only hope it all goes ok, I don't think my nerves can handle much more!

You can always hold a dating session with both girls and see which one gets on better with Rupert. ;)

You may find that the undergirls are much more relaxed without Maggie stressing around. The tone of the bonding is usually set by the top sow. There may be a bit of a hesitation/nervousness at first, but there should be no outright aggression. Try to smooth things by offering a big flat plate with grass and hay in the middle.
Thanks Wiebke, y:)

I only hope it all goes ok, I don't think my nerves can handle much more!
:) I know what you mean. I bonded a new girl with my boar and sow. I haven't got any finger nail left, i bit them off. I have decided that my 3 piggys will have to live for 20 years. Because I haven't got the nerves to do it again.
Thanks Wiebke, that's what I shall do. It's clean out day tomorrow so I shall give it a go, i'll keep you updated once *hopefully* everybody is settled.

maxdawn- That made me laugh! it's lovely on the occasions it does work out though, but boy do they know how to put us pig-parents on edge!
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