Bonding Two Sows

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Adult Guinea Pig
Oct 8, 2010
Reaction score
Surrey UK
As you may/may not know I lost wills within 4 months of losing fraz. This has left me with two older widows. Annie is coming up to 5 1/2 and tilly is nearly 5.

Today I decided it was a good time to try them together. To be honest I was expecting the worst as tilly is quite feisty but they did surprisingly well together. My only worry was that tilly nibbled annies ear a few times and made her yelp. No blood was drawn but I don't want that to escalate. Otherwise they trotted about, ate together, did mutual bum sniffing, groomed next to each other..

I think it sounds promising but what do people think in regards to the nibbling?
As you may/may not know I lost wills within 4 months of losing fraz. This has left me with two older widows. Annie is coming up to 5 1/2 and tilly is nearly 5.

Today I decided it was a good time to try them together. To be honest I was expecting the worst as tilly is quite feisty but they did surprisingly well together. My only worry was that tilly nibbled annies ear a few times and made her yelp. No blood was drawn but I don't want that to escalate. Otherwise they trotted about, ate together, did mutual bum sniffing, groomed next to each other..

I think it sounds promising but what do people think in regards to the nibbling?

Ear nibbling is the mildest form of friendly dominance; it translates as "I want you to be a member of the herd I am leading". Don't interfere; the yelping warns Tilly when she is going to far with her nibbling.

Glad that it is all going very smoothly!
Tilly has 'bonked' annie on the head a few times when she gets too up close and personal. I would describe it as something a bird would do. A sharp peck to tell her off. Other than that fingers crossed seems ok...?
We seem to have two happy girlie's touch wood. .. they've gotten past the nipping stage and are just pottering about together. Has been over 24hrs now.. there's such a size different between them! Sorry for bad pic quality 20160314_073229.webp
Glad that is has worked out well for them!
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