Adult Guinea Pig
As you may/may not know I lost wills within 4 months of losing fraz. This has left me with two older widows. Annie is coming up to 5 1/2 and tilly is nearly 5.
Today I decided it was a good time to try them together. To be honest I was expecting the worst as tilly is quite feisty but they did surprisingly well together. My only worry was that tilly nibbled annies ear a few times and made her yelp. No blood was drawn but I don't want that to escalate. Otherwise they trotted about, ate together, did mutual bum sniffing, groomed next to each other..
I think it sounds promising but what do people think in regards to the nibbling?
Today I decided it was a good time to try them together. To be honest I was expecting the worst as tilly is quite feisty but they did surprisingly well together. My only worry was that tilly nibbled annies ear a few times and made her yelp. No blood was drawn but I don't want that to escalate. Otherwise they trotted about, ate together, did mutual bum sniffing, groomed next to each other..
I think it sounds promising but what do people think in regards to the nibbling?