Bonding Timings

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jan 7, 2017
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I read this and am wondering if this means that sometimes it's okay to have them on mutual ground for a while, then put back in cages next to each other, then pop them back to mutual ground another time to see if fear- aggression has diminished ?

"It usually takes time and several bonding sessions to work through fear-aggression, but it is worth it as long as any aggression is staying this side of fighting and both parties are not willing to risk a full-out fight. It often goes right up to the line, however, so it is not at all easy to watch and sit by for a new owner."
I read this and am wondering if this means that sometimes it's okay to have them on mutual ground for a while, then put back in cages next to each other, then pop them back to mutual ground another time to see if fear- aggression has diminished ?

"It usually takes time and several bonding sessions to work through fear-aggression, but it is worth it as long as any aggression is staying this side of fighting and both parties are not willing to risk a full-out fight. It often goes right up to the line, however, so it is not at all easy to watch and sit by for a new owner."

If you are bonding fear-aggressive sows, yes, it can be a approach provided that each session does not escalate and that you only separate when things are not going anywhere, but there are no fights either. 5 minute sessions don't count as bonding; piggies need time to work things out.

You have to call a bonding failed if there are fights or if tensions amongst all guinea pigs are soaring instantly they get back together and the piggies are clearly unhappy in each other's presence. It is a very difficult tightrope balance act and you need to carefully read the body language. It may ultimately not be successful; there can be the point where other piggies just become fed up. Once they have made up their mind, they rarely change it.
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