Bonding Sweetie and Rozy!


New Born Pup
Jan 16, 2024
Reaction score
Los Angeles, California
Hey guys got a bigger 13 sq ft cage for the girls with a divider so i have Rozy and her babies on one end and Sweetie on the other end divided and it seems to be going good ! Both Rozy and Sweetie were rumble strutting through the divider at first and biting the divider bars but that seems to have stopped. My questions are what is the next step should I remove the babies and bond Sweetie and Rozy with no divider? or should they be bonded all together ? I put Rozy and Sweetie together in a playpen and Rozy would chase Sweetie and hump Sweetie lol! Sweetie is being very submissive it seems but runs from Rozy whenever they are close to eachother :( Should I just cage them seperate but next to eachother ? Sweetie seems to enjoy having them there next to her she sleeps right by the divider now.
How old are the babies?
It can be difficult rebonding sows if the babies are young and not yet weaned.
Are you keeping the babies? I assume they’re all female?
You need to put them somewhere neutral though, you can’t just remove the divider.

Sleeping next to a divider can sometimes be a territory marking response.

The guides below will help. The second guide has a section about reuniting a mother with her companion

Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics
Have you checked all the babies against their mother’s genitals? Fo double check and look at our Sexing guide found in the Guinea Pig Info on the green bar above. It is really important you do this as if you have any boy babies they are quite capable of impregnating all your females at 3 weeks or at 250 gm, any males need to be separated now from the females

You could bond Sweetie with one of the female babies, it might be easier and keep two girl only cages
this is sweetie and one of rozys babies are they female ?


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this is sweetie and one of rozys babies are they female ?

It would be best for you to repost this in our pregnancy section so our forum experts can see it.
I’m not confident enough to call it from those pictures - it’s the brown piggy I’m concerned about but it may just be my eyes and the fact the picture of the brown piggy is at a different distance to the white one

Can you post pictures in the pregnancy section but make sure you get the picture with the slit opened. Sows have a fleshy seal inside whereas boars go straight down.

Illustrated Sexing Guide
this is sweetie and one of rozys babies are they female ?

Have you been able to confirm the sexes of the piggies?
You need to be certain of their sex now they are just over three weeks of age. Boars need to be separated at 3 weeks/21 days or 250g otherwise they will get their mothers pregnant.