Bonding Sows...

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jul 5, 2016
Reaction score
West Sussex
I posted on my introduction thread about possibly getting a third piggy to add to my pair of bonded rescue sows. I feel that I am able to look after and give another piggy a nice home so was wondering whether you felt this would be doable?
My girls currently live inside in a cage my dad built (approx 150cm x 120cm) and they run round my room for about 4 hours each day - so get plenty of exercise! :D
At the rescue they were paired up with 2 other girls (but I think they were split so they would find homes more easily)
Obviously I want to make the best decision, but have heard that some guinea pigs prefer being in a herd/trio? I do like the idea that you are able to see more of the natural behaviour within a herd :love:
Do you think adding a baby girl baby would be the best way forward? (obviously in neutral territory etc)
Thanks for any advice :)
I have had trio of sows before.Some people gave an odd one out situation if the bond between the existing two is very strong.I have six girls in with a boy and none of them are really closely bonded, they can be cuddled up to one one minute and another the next.I don't know if bonding another bonded pair is feasible with the specs you have.Maybe a neutered boar, he doesn't interfere with the girls bond.
We introduced a baby to to trio to make four and it was the easiest bonding as the baby went to the bottom of the hierarchy automatically
I recently just introduced a bonded pair to my already bonded trio of sows. On introductions (large neutral floor with hay and veg in the middle for a few hours) they were great but as soon as I put them into a freshly cleaned cage (2x9) one of my original girls and one of the new girls went for each other a couple of times and the rest were all chattering etc. I didn't take them out as it wasn't a serious fight, and just stood there with my towel in hand just incase. After about half an hour things calmed a little and one of the girls just stayed at one end of the cage out of the other ones way. After a day or so she started coming out as normal and after a few days they were all getting along fine (the first couple of days was a little stressful tho....for them and me lol). I have just added a neutered boar in with them and the same thing happened. Introductions went fine and then as soon as they were in the cage one of the females and him just didn't like each other at all. There was some hair pulling but no blood drawn so again I didn't remove them and the same thing happened, after a couple of days they settled down. All of these were rescue pigs. They now are getting along great :)
I've also introduced a boar to my 2 original bonded boars and it was pretty much the same only they didn't fight, one of my originals just pestered the new one constantly mounting him for about a day. Luckily the new boy wasn't wanting to be dominant so he didn't try to retaliate. All 3 live happily now in a 2x9 cage. I think a lot of it has to do with cage size....especially for boys, they need to be able to get away from each other. It also depends on the personality of the pigs.
Most of my rescues came from Assisi so I knew if it didn't work out I could take them back to be rehomed elsewhere. The ones I adopted I explained to the current owners that I was happy to try it but again if they didn't get on I wouldn't be able to keep them, and try were happy to try.
Hope this helps x

Hey thanks for all the replies... My girls aren't extremely close and I do think that's why I am looking into making a herd as I feel they may like having other friends (if that makes sense :)))
I have been doing lots of research and saw a video from a piggy youtuber explaining that she had a pair of girls who weren't very close, but since being in a herd, have loved it?
In your opinion do you think a baby girl would bond well? and do you recommend one more or two? I'd love to get as many as possible - haha! But ideally I'm thinking 1 baby possibly may be my limit (well my parents anyway :whistle:) to bond with my girls but I'm sure we would talk about all the possibilities.
I just want to make the right decision and what will benefit not only a new possible piggy or two but my little girlies also :luv:
Thanks and sorry for all the questions! xx
Hey thanks for all the replies... My girls aren't extremely close and I do think that's why I am looking into making a herd as I feel they may like having other friends (if that makes sense :)))
I have been doing lots of research and saw a video from a piggy youtuber explaining that she had a pair of girls who weren't very close, but since being in a herd, have loved it?
In your opinion do you think a baby girl would bond well? and do you recommend one more or two? I'd love to get as many as possible - haha! But ideally I'm thinking 1 baby possibly may be my limit (well my parents anyway :whistle:) to bond with my girls but I'm sure we would talk about all the possibilities.
I just want to make the right decision and what will benefit not only a new possible piggy or two but my little girlies also :luv:
Thanks and sorry for all the questions! xx
The ones I bonded were over a year old and they all get along great now. When i first adopted my trio there were two older girls and a baby only a few months. She used to hide under them etc when she was scared and the oldest girl was the boss. She is now going through her "teenage" years and is getting to be quite dominant and trying her luck lol. I guess with some pigs this could cause fall outs if the baby as she got older tried to be more dominant over the already dominant female.
If it were me personally I would keep an open mind and go to your local rescue and see what they have . They will have a good idea of the piggies personality and may be able to pick one that they feel would get on with your already bonded pair. U could even maybe let them meet at the rescue and see how they get along before deciding to go ahead with it X
Hiya, thanks... its been really helpful and has given me lots to think about!
I think the main reason why I am thinking about it is because I feel my girls would like to have other friends as opposed to being stuck with only each other 24/7 (as I don't feel they are very close). And also I think a herd would be fascinating to watch and I would love my girls to like interacting with other piggy friends.
I think I'm going to do some more research into it... the only thing I am scared of is if they don't bond and I have a lonely piggies! If they have lived with other pigs before do you think they would be more likely to bond?
I will definitely be looking in rescue but girls seem to go extremely fast around where I live :no:.. but I'm in no rush and am prepared to wait for the right piggy/piggies :luv:
Hi everyone,
Sorry to bring this thread back up! I have been having a think about everything and wanted to ask your advice again :luv: I have been keeping my eye on rescue sites for a while and there has been a neutered boy put up for adoption at an RSPCA shelter around an hour away from me. He was abandoned at the shelter, longhaired and totally gorgeous :wub:... I wanted to ask... with a neutered boy do you think there would be an outsider problem with my two girlies? Also, I am petrified of them not getting along... is it true with most RSPCA shelters - they don't do dating? Or do you think this is something they may consider? Thanks guys, this little one might not work out but I'm just wondering if my girls would like a husboar :love: xx
Hi everyone,
Sorry to bring this thread back up! I have been having a think about everything and wanted to ask your advice again :luv: I have been keeping my eye on rescue sites for a while and there has been a neutered boy put up for adoption at an RSPCA shelter around an hour away from me. He was abandoned at the shelter, longhaired and totally gorgeous :wub:... I wanted to ask... with a neutered boy do you think there would be an outsider problem with my two girlies? Also, I am petrified of them not getting along... is it true with most RSPCA shelters - they don't do dating? Or do you think this is something they may consider? Thanks guys, this little one might not work out but I'm just wondering if my girls would like a husboar :love: xx

Most RSPCA shelters won't date due to lack of fosterers who have the time and experience. However, you should be able to adopt with the proviso that the boy will return to the rescue if a bonding doesn't work out - minus the unrefundable adoption fee. Some branches are not very piggy savvy, so if necessary you may have to make them aware that personality clashes during intro can happen in any kind of bond, whether that is same sex or cross gender.

That is what I did when an RSPCA adoption intro failed two days in due to the dominance not being resolved to my Nerys' liking, so the whole thing ended in a serious tussle (no bites, but no accpetance, either).
The key to any happy bond is mutual liking and the right kind of personality mix - bonding guinea pigs is as complex as doing the same with humans. ;)
Thank you for your reply xx
I'm going to have a think as ideally I would have to go and meet him and speak to them all about bonding and my girls first. I just don't want to end up with a 2+1 situation if I did get him xx
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