Bonding Sows

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Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 13, 2015
Reaction score
Hi all

I originally had 2 sows and decided to add a 3rd. All went well and they all pretty much got on immediately. To our surprise we found out that our new arrival was pregnant and ended up having 4 babies - 2 girls and 2 boys. So for the past 5/6 weeks my 2 original sows and mabel (pregnant) have been apart

Had to separate the boys and put them in their new cage today because they are over 3 weeks old now. Problem is I put the 5 sows together (I have a really big cage) and all doesn't seem great...

I introduced on neutral grounds but there was a bit of bickering (only from 1 of my original sows!) rest were fine. I completely cleaned their old cage. Used new liners, new bed, new tunnels etc but I am just so paranoid and worried I had to split them up and make temp c&c for my 2 original sows!

Mabel and her babies were being chased around their cage by 1 of my sows. Being chased out of their hideys etc.

Any suggestions on what I can do? Should I put them back together? Am I being too cautious and paranoid?

Just feel so sad for the babies as they were not sleeping with Mabel they were hiding under their hay cart they seemed pretty scared. :(

Also feel sad for one of my original sows because she's so gentle and gets along with any piggy! Any suggestions are much appreciated because. I cannot have 3 cages I just don't have the room and I cannot bear to rehome them
Sounds like a tough situation, I'd be paranoid too and if the babies were hiding I would think that you did the right thing to separate them. But I'm not really an experienced owner yet so I can't say :)
I decided to put them back together today to see how it goes... all seems to be fine at the moment. I have been keeping an eye on them, I think she just wants to show who is boss. I haven't seen any biting or proper fighting yet (luckily) but she does chase them around a bit etc which I guess is pretty normal.

Going to keep an eye on them - if they really cannot get along I will have to look at other options!
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