Bonding Sow To Sow/boar Pair Advice Please

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Apr 21, 2015
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Derby, UK
After the passing of Sunrise this leaves Penny on her own.
I will not leave her on her own, and I have to make plans for her own future

My ideal at this stage would be for her to happily slot in with my other pair, Freddie and Oreo - bonded neutered boar and sow pair.

Freddie is the dominant one. Freddie and Penny have been introduced before when I hoped for one herd instead of two pairs, back in the day when got Freddie to go with Snowball (since passed away). Their reaction was absolutely fine. He actually wasn't very interested in humping her, was more interested in Snowball and just friendly and gentle-manly towards Penny. Perhaps she didn't smell so appealing to him!

Penny acted submissive. All was fine. I have no expected issues with the two of them meeting again.

I don't know what to expect from his current wife - Oreo. She is gentle and submissive, but I have seen her be protective of him when Sunrise last approached with bars between them at run time. I ended up putting a solid barrier between them at run time as Oreo snapped at Sunrise, who was just sniffing at her through the bars, and brushed her nose with her teeth. They never met again, I made sure of that! I have no idea how she will react to Penny. As Penny is submissive by nature I hope that she will not appear to be a threat to the bond that Oreo has with Freddie.

So that's how they are. With that in mind what do you think I should do? Should I introduce her to both of them at the same time, or to Oreo first to see if they accept each other?

Thank you. I plan to do this on Monday, as I have the entire week off work and can monitor them closely over the week.
After the passing of Sunrise this leaves Penny on her own.
I will not leave her on her own, and I have to make plans for her own future

My ideal at this stage would be for her to happily slot in with my other pair, Freddie and Oreo - bonded neutered boar and sow pair.

Freddie is the dominant one. Freddie and Penny have been introduced before when I hoped for one herd instead of two pairs, back in the day when got Freddie to go with Snowball (since passed away). Their reaction was absolutely fine. He actually wasn't very interested in humping her, was more interested in Snowball and just friendly and gentle-manly towards Penny. Perhaps she didn't smell so appealing to him!

Penny acted submissive. All was fine. I have no expected issues with the two of them meeting again.

I don't know what to expect from his current wife - Oreo. She is gentle and submissive, but I have seen her be protective of him when Sunrise last approached with bars between them at run time. I ended up putting a solid barrier between them at run time as Oreo snapped at Sunrise, who was just sniffing at her through the bars, and brushed her nose with her teeth. They never met again, I made sure of that! I have no idea how she will react to Penny. As Penny is submissive by nature I hope that she will not appear to be a threat to the bond that Oreo has with Freddie.

So that's how they are. With that in mind what do you think I should do? Should I introduce her to both of them at the same time, or to Oreo first to see if they accept each other?

Thank you. I plan to do this on Monday, as I have the entire week off work and can monitor them closely over the week.

I am very sorry for your loss!

I would try an introduction on neutral ground with all the trimmings as plan A. If that works, fine. It may not; some bonded couples do not like the arrival of an outsider (although they can be fine with the arrival of two submissive/younger piggies, as that makes them a mini group with different dynamics :mal:).

If that doesn't work out, I would consider taking recourse to a rescue as plan B.

You just can never tell; all you can do is try and see whether you can solve the issue with your existing piggies first.

I wish you all best of luck! It is always a rather upsetting time as you have got your own loss and grieving process to contend with.
Thank you @Wiebke , so I'll introduce Penny to Oreo and Freddie together (neutral ground and following recommended procedures of course) :)
I'll let you know how it goes..... xx
I have just done this recently, 2 weeks ago, reintroducing Margaret (plus 2 baby girls) back with Jambo and Primrose. Prim and Margaret only had 2 months together before I separated them when Margaret had her babies. They have the odd scuffle, teeth chatter, etc and, at present, agree to disagree. Prim has the odd nip at the babies and they have learnt to avoid her. Jambo seems to love having a group of girls to impress (or not!) :lol: and flits between Prim, who keeps her distance, and the other 3 girls.

Good luck with your introduction!
Well..... that went badly and I believe I irreversible.

Put them together today. Neutral ground, no hidies, small pile of hay in the middle with pellets scattered in.
Started off with all three being cautious, as you would expect. Freddie didn't try to hump Penny. Fine, he didn't before either. He doesn't seem that interested in her in that way for some reason. However, my usually submissive Penny didn't want him around and objected to his rumble strutts. The whole thing turned into mass teeth chattering with Freddie being the main culprit. He stationed himself between Penny and Oreo, and I felt at this stage he was telling the two girls that he was boss and they are not to fight, so at this stage I had hope that the teeth chatters wold calm down and he would step in to sort out any tenseness between the two sows.
However it all went down hill. I think Freddie and Penny stressed each other out, and the teeth chattering stressed Oreo out. Freddie became relentless with his teeth chatter and aimed it at which ever sow got close. Penny had a few goes at Freddie, Freddie returned with aggression to both, but mainly to Penny. I removed him to see if the two sows could make friends. Things looked uncertain but they did actually behave for a while. Then Penny gave Oreo a few warning chases. It didn't look promising to be honest. Then all at once she attacked Oreo and it was all teeth. I had to separate them using my thick gloves, which got bitten into several times by Penny.
Oreo has a small nick on her nose, but nothing bad.
However, that's that. No happy herd, and now I must try to find a companion for Penny. Hopefully she won't try to bite the head off the next piggy she meets!
Rather disappointing that the three can't get along.

I thought Penny and Freddie would be OK, it was actually Oreo who I felt might take badly to having another sow near her mate, but she mainly tried to stay out of things.

Humph. :no: humph and damn and humph. .
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