Hi all, we lost one our bonded pair of girls, Lexie about 5 weeks ago. I have had terrible trouble finding a single female to introduce to my remaining girl Roxy. Roxy is 1.5yrs and seems to be a happy go lucky girl, great with humans and just a normal curious fun loving guinea. We finally found a guinea pig rescue - seems to be the only one in Scotland! - and they had a single girl to be re homed, Dixie, we think around the same age as Roxy. However she had we think a troubled background, she was very shy and scared and not really acting like a happy guinea. She has been with us just over two weeks and she and Roxy have been in separate cages and have shared an outdoor run with a divider during the day when it's been nice weather. Today we introduced them as we had lots of time to spare. We moved the outdoor pen to a new area and put two bowls of carrots in and two hiding areas. Everything was fine for about half an hour, then the dominance behaviour started - to be expected. This ended up in fighting - as in going for each other and physically engaging, but then backing off. After a couple of bouts I wasn't sure if this was too much to deal with so removed Dixie to give them both some space. After an hour or so we tried again and let them go on for longer but the fighting still continued on and off. Roxy ended up with a bite. They both seemed to be showing the same amount of dominance to start with but Roxy did seem to be top boss by the end, she went off to the sunny corner and lay down. I suppose my question is, because I can't put them together and watch them all day (to make sure they are safe) do I carry on in stages or am I just back at square one each day we try? Do you think the full on fighting (but separating themselves) means there is no chance they will get on? I do feel Roxy could benefit from a having a friend for the (hopefully) many years she has left but it may be that Dixie will never be able to live with another guinea as we don't know what treatment she has had before. Thanks for any advice anyone has, after losing Lexie in a very stressful way, I was hoping this next stage would be less worrying!