Bonding problems

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Mar 20, 2008
Reaction score
Rayne, Essex
I have been trying to bond Pickle (my rescued boar) with a group of 2 boys and 2 girls, but not having much success, the two boys are not accepting him at all and keep ganging up on him, (it's heartbreaking to watch 8...) I've only been able to put them together for a max of 2 hours, supervised with big, thick gloves on, then all hell breaks loose! :(

I have a single boar Spike, who has always lived on his own and he seems very happy in his own space. I'm going to try and bond Pickle with Spike this weekend but I have a feeling it will not work. Spike can be a little whatsit now and then. (As the name suggests!)

As I dont want to have Pickle on his own as he was so excited about meeting the new piggies and he was trying to be friendly, so I think he will be lonely on his own. What should I do?

I don't really want to get another sow or boar, could I take one of the girls out of the group of 4 or will that disrupt them?

If thats not an option then I will have to get another gp, whats best a sow or boar?

Thanks for any comments, poor Pickle has been through enough and I just want him to be happy! Sorry to waffle on!

Lou :)
Poor Pickle! I assume he is neutered as you wanted him to join with sows? If he is, I would definately find him another sow rather than upset your existing group.

I'm amazed you have two boars with with the two girls, it appears to be working for them though by the sounds of it!
yes he is neutered!

I introduced Angel (boar) to the group of 3 and they all bonded straight away no problems!

The only thing with getting another one, is the space in my lounge! I've just constructed a c&c run 6 x 2, then I was having another level for Spike (2x2), now need to do something for Pickle + 1! hmmm I'll have to have a think.

I wanted to sell my two Nero 4's but guess I'll be keeping one now!
I agree with Julie & would take him to choose his future female partner.
I too am amazed you have a 2 male, 2 female bonded group, with the right piggy mix it shows it can work :)
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