Bonding Neutered Boar With Sow - Advice Please!

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 17, 2015
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Please may I ask for some advice regarding my bonding attempt?

(Sorry this might be long..... I'm rather confused by the various behaviours being displayed)

I have a neutered boar (Sweep - 1 year 3 months old). Three days ago I introduced him to a new baby sow (Coconut - 5/6 weeks old).

It seemed fairly successful. They seemed to accept eachother without any fighting. Obviously, being a baby, she was leaping and popcorning with all manner of joy, whilst he mostly sat there with this expression on his face as if to say "if I don't move or make a sound, it might go away". She eventually cuddled into him and they both layed down for a good hour. I then transferred them into a brand new cage.

It sounds positive, but I get the feeling that he is merely tolerating her, rather than actually liking her. Is that normal? She is very keen to be around him, follows him around, and copies whatever he's doing. He also does his fair share of following/copying and will sit down next to her, but some of his behaviour seems rather predatory/aggressive (chasing, rumble strutting, nudging) and she just wants to get away from him. These pursuits don't last particularly long, and he does not mount her. Preceding this, she seems to behave in a very flirty manner, and he then gets all boar-like and yeah......

There is a decent amount of playful behaviour between them both, but there's also a little bit of bickering and I have seem him go to nip her several times. Not actual biting, just threatening, to which she squeals and runs away. So I'm concerned that he may actually try to hurt her at some point.

They are happy to eat together.

I don't think they are sleeping together. Atleast 4 or 5 inches between them. I think she would quite like to be able to cuddle up though.

Lap time together is ok... they'll lay next to each other for about 30 mins. He might get annoyed once or twice if she is poking her face into his too much.


He doesn't like to share a hidey. She tries, but he'll nudge her away and she sits just outside. Maybe I just need bigger hideys.

((( Right now, they are both popcorning in the cage.... He's just dragged his butt on the towel..... She is wheeking like a rat. Now they are both laying at one end of the cage, in opposite corners, facing eachother. Clearly just exhausted themselves. )))


:ple::help:......... I'm so confused! Is this all normal? Is it a successful bonding or not really?
It sounds perfectly normal for me and nothing to worry about! By far not all piggies sleep together, and even those that do will not do so all the time if they have got a choice of hideys.

Things will get a bit livelier when your little girl is coming into season and your boy may even catch on with all popcorning malarkey.

You may find this thread here helpful: Illustrated Bonding Behaviours And Dynamics

They are a gorgeous pair!
Sounds like my lot most of the time to be honest (neutered boar, 2 sows).

At first I worried all the time (why are they making that noise, why aren't they making any noise, why is one sleeping on their own, why are they all sleeping on their own, why are they all sleeping together - maybe it's too cold, and so on).

There is always something to worry about with guinea pigs!
The strutting and brrr'ing is normal dominance, my little boy torments the girlie's he is constantly showing off and the girls aren't scared to threaten a nip. After this he almost always popcorns away.
Seems normal behaviour to me, even for established pairs......but I'm no expert on bonding.

Me neither! It's my first time.

It sounds perfectly normal for me and nothing to worry about! By far not all piggies sleep together, and even those that do will not do so all the time if they have got a choice of hideys.

Things will get a bit livelier when your little girl is coming into season and your boy may even catch on with all popcorning malarkey.

You may find this thread here helpful: Illustrated Bonding Behaviours And Dynamics

They are a gorgeous pair!

Thanks. It's all a bit frightening..... That's my cuddly little boy, being all big and horny and stuff. It freaks me out lol :eek::xd:
I've read absolutely everything I can find on the bonding process between a boar and sow, but still can't help worrying about all the new behaviours I'm seeing!

Sounds like my lot most of the time to be honest (neutered boar, 2 sows).

At first I worried all the time (why are they making that noise, why aren't they making any noise, why is one sleeping on their own, why are they all sleeping on their own, why are they all sleeping together - maybe it's too cold, and so on).

There is always something to worry about with guinea pigs!

Yeah I'm so on edge at the moment. I've pretty much been sat watching them for the past 9 hours!

The strutting and brrr'ing is normal dominance, my little boy torments the girlie's he is constantly showing off and the girls aren't scared to threaten a nip. After this he almost always popcorns away.

That sounds like what is going on.... I'm not used to seeing the aggressive behaviours, or hearing a piggy squeal or rumble strut. Just really worried that one of them will get hurt at some point, or that it means they don't want to live together..... even though most of the time they seem ok.
Sounds normal to me - my Nuggets used to worship Noodles and sometimes he would give her a weird little side kick - just dominance .
I have a boar and five sows and the boy rumbles away a lot.Daisy dot is tiny but he hasn't hurt her.I get squeals too, it's submission.Sounds like they are doing fine.
As long as you do not see any aggressive/confrontational behaviour between the two, you just have to let them sort it out over the next days... Cross gender bonding can be a bit on the wild side. However, if they hadn't clicked, you would know by now, believe me!
Rumblestrutting is par for the course for a husboar (there are times when you wonder where boars have got any other vocabulary), but it is just telling the girl what a strapping boy he is and how much he fancies her! it is the sows that choose the boys and not the other way round. By now, acceptance has happened and they are well into sorting out who comes top and what shape their relationship is going to take.

It is rather rare that a young sow is refusing a boar.

Bonding is a nerve racking process, but take consolation that you are very much in the safe zone, so take a DEEP breath and get some much needed sleep! ;)
Sounds normal to me - my Nuggets used to worship Noodles and sometimes he would give her a weird little side kick - just dominance .

I've seen Sweep do that to Coconut a couple of times.

I have a boar and five sows and the boy rumbles away a lot.Daisy dot is tiny but he hasn't hurt her.I get squeals too, it's submission.Sounds like they are doing fine.

Lucky boy!!

Yeah, I read somewhere that the squeals are just them establishing the boundaries in the initial stages of the relationship. The sow will squeal once she's been pushed to the limit of what she will tolerate in terms of the boar's dominant behaviour. He will then know when enough is enough. Apparently, idk if that is true or not.

Sounds absolutely normal to me, too.

I'm feeling a bit more relieved this evening, knowing that they are probably doing fine at this stage.

As long as you do not see any aggressive/confrontational behaviour between the two, you just have to let them sort it out over the next days... Cross gender bonding can be a bit on the wild side. However, if they hadn't clicked, you would know by now, believe me!
Rumblestrutting is par for the course for a husboar (there are times when you wonder where boars have got any other vocabulary), but it is just telling the girl what a strapping boy he is and how much he fancies her! it is the sows that choose the boys and not the other way round. By now, acceptance has happened and they are well into sorting out who comes top and what shape their relationship is going to take.

It is rather rare that a young sow is refusing a boar.

Bonding is a nerve racking process, but take consolation that you are very much in the safe zone, so take a DEEP breath and get some much needed sleep! ;)

Hahahaha! Things have been calmer today.... Feels like the tension has dispersed somewhat. He's still rumbling, but it's a bit more chilled out.... and she isn't freaking out quite so much. A few squeals and threats, but not as heightened. Sweep has been teaching her how to go up and down the ramp hehe.

Thank you for your knowledge! Will see what tomorrow brings.....
Mr Ted was nicknamed Mr Rumbles and Mr Slinky at times. The rumbling calms down a bit once they are used to each other (like a married couple) but in the early days he won't be able to resist showing her and telling her just how sexy he is
So things are going smoothly. I'm feeling less anxious, and they seem to have sorted out a few of the dynamics in their relationship!

Not 100% sure who is the boss sometimes..... She's not afraid to stand up for herself and be assertive, and he seems ok with that?! Yet most of his behaviour is very dominant. I don't think he has a clue what he is doing to be honest!

Lastnight he nudged her out of the log hidey, so she tottered off to lay under the ramp. He eventually went over to her, seemingly remorseful. She abruptly wheeked once, with her nose in the air, and turned her back on him as if to say "No. You need to go away and rethink your behaviour!"

So he just sat next to her beside the ramp, until she was ready to forgive him and come out to play again!

The Rumbling will never completely stop the boys just love to show off how boarly they are.

Apparently, according to himself, he's an absolute hunk!

Mr Ted was nicknamed Mr Rumbles and Mr Slinky at times. The rumbling calms down a bit once they are used to each other (like a married couple) but in the early days he won't be able to resist showing her and telling her just how sexy he is

Slinky! Yes.... That is the exact word for it. Or sleazy!

It's still creeping me out a bit. I hope they settle down and get married soon!
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