Bonding my neutered boar with his sister and an older sow.

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Nov 7, 2009
Reaction score
West Yorkshire, UK
Its nearly 4 wheeks since I had my boar Patch neutered, he is sister to Poppy.
Poppy lives in a separate cage to Patch with Pinky who is about 5 years old and can be a bit of a veggie stealing grump. Both Poppy and Patch came from the same litter and are about 10 months old.
I'm wanting to put Patch in with the 2 sows so that I have a 1 boar 2 sow herd and so that Patch has some company.
What's the best way to introduce them? Should I put them all together in the playpen, put just Patch with one of the sows one at once? I'm not sure of the best way to get them together, Patch is a very pushy little man and gets very excited rumble strutting every time he hears a wheek from the girls.
Will it be easier/harder because Poppy and Patch are from the same litter but have been kept apart since mid/late September?
When I introduced my 2 sows and my boar, I did it on the bathroom floor, and it was so easy. Fred hid under the tiolet, I had to knock him over to the girls, you can pretty much tell quite quickly if it is going to be successful.

I was very lucky with my 3, I had no humping... just some squeaking and Fred rumble strutting infact I still see that now, I have never heard a chatter from my group, they all get on very well. Fred does rumble strut a million times a day!

Don't forget veggies.... bonding over food :)!

Make sure and give the cage a good clean before putting them back in together!
She can be very dominant, what I'm worried about is fighting. I really want him to bond with them well so he can go with them, is it best to put them all together at once.
I bonded a neutered boar to 2 sows. One of them was (is) very dominant and wouldn't even consider being with any other girls. I was quite worried!

However it's worked out great. She's still top of the heap.

I did it in a run with lots of veg and adapted their cage to suit 3 whilst they bonded. It was very easy!

I also recently bonded a neutered boar with 6 girls and that was harder - they really gave him a hard time. He was very humpy and enthusiastic. I wasn't sure it would work out but it's been over a week now and it's like he's always been in there. He's calmed down a bit and takes the hint a bit more now. It took alot not to intervene and whip him out a few times. But well work it as they are all happy now.
When do you know to take out a piggy? I'm thinking off putting them all together in the piggy play pen in the front room where it's nice and warm. I'll put both the food bowls in and lots of veggies and tunnels and houses. I'm hoping they'll bond:{:{
Not sure whats going to happen, I'll have lots of towels ready and thick gloves.
I recently bonded by Tufty and 2 wifeys Roxie & was a heart stopping 3hours!
I put the 3 of them in a large pen and LOTS of food piles! No hides because it can cause fights over who hides first!
I found that if the teeth chatting got really bad,I clicked my fingers near them and it seem to 'snap' them out of the situation!!
Be calm yourself because they may pick up on your stress!

Big good luck can do this!
Try not to separate unless blood is drawn. I was totally freaking out about Fred meeting his girls, and I swear it was so easy. I don't know why I was worried.

Fingers crossed you get a bond like mine. I had them in the cage together within an hour. You can tell very quickly hows it going. Nobody was nipping or anything just some chasing.

It was actually the cutest thing ever to watch, Fred was in his own wee world :))!

Fred says "Brrrrrrrrr" rolleyes
Quite often, it looks a lot rougher to us than it is to piggies. I would not separate unless things are REALLY REALLY bad with Pinky have repeated and severe goes at Patch; time and space are the key.

The good thing is that the success rate is actually very high; but you have to sit it out sometimes!

The danger signs are very nicely laid out in this thread; they are pretty much the same for the girls:
When building the extension to the cage (I can do it in 1 day) do I put them all in the play pen and if it's going well build the new cage and put them straight into it together or leave it till I've had them out at playtime a few times together before letting them in the cage together?
I've had them all together for about 2 hours and its going well. Poppy and Pinky are having none of Patch's rumpy pumpy! rolleyesrolleyes and every time his bum swings round and starts rumbling they tell him off.
There isn't too much teeth chattering and no fights. If patch puts his head under the girls they back off and push his head up out of the way.
Hope fully they'll keep getting on!:):)
They will :))! Bonded Trio... as far as I know, they let you know very quickly if they will get on!

See all that worry for nothing! xx>>>:<>

Fred still tries his luck... just wait till they start spaying urine on him, and he'll start licking the wee off the ground... :)>>> (Well Fred does he's a dirt Bird).
Lol Patch did!
He was running after Pinky (the older sow) and she reared her back end up and gave him a shower. He spent about 5 minutes licking it up from the floor and himself!:)>>>:)>>>
Lol Patch did!
He was running after Pinky (the older sow) and she reared her back end up and gave him a shower. He spent about 5 minutes licking it up from the floor and himself!:)>>>:)>>>

Doesn't surprise me atall, Fred's head is always clued to someone's backside or the ground...

Dirt Bird! :)>>>
Is it normal for the boar to drink both his own and the others wee?
Patch was following the girls and drinking their wee:)>>>
When can he be put in the cage with them?
How many floor times does he need with them?
When I had them out together the 2 sows were teeth chattering at each other when patch wasn't even near them, is it normal? Pinky (the older sow) has been mounting Poppy (Patch's sister and her cagemate) but when they were on the floor together they argued.
(He still hasn't managed to mount them in just over 6 hours, bit of a useless boar)
Pee fests are VERY normal, especially during introductions and during the first season. Patch is getting all the info in the pee - it's like reading a job application-cum-newspaper for him!

As none of the girls seems to be anywhere near in season, nopig seems to be interested. That is not uncommon at all; neither is the fact that the presence of other piggies can trigger a spat between bonded ones.

You should be able to put them in the preferably freshly cleaned cage now, as there hasn't been any major repulsion or aggression. There might be a bit more once they are together in the cage, but I wouldn't expect major problems.
I'm currently building the new cage and I'll put them all into it together so it'll be new to both piggies:)
Patch now has had nearly 10 hours play time out in the playpen in 4 sessions but still hasn't managed to mount either of the sows, he would be useless at breeding!rolleyesrolleyes (except he as been neutered)
How do you tell if the sows are in 'season'? Would this make it easier to bond them? (e.g. would they allow Patch to mount them?)
I would stop putting them together and separating, when they are together if they aren't fighting, they are fine to go into the cage(everytime you reintroduce, you restart the introduction all over again! I literally gave mine about an hour before putting them in the cage.

My boar has never got his leg over, my girls don't come into season, but Fred is not one for not trying!
I completely agree with Joanne - they will never properly bond if you keep messing them up and forcing them to restart their acquaintance afresh every single time they have been separated.

Some sows have stronger seasons while with others you won't notice; a boar will or will not react accordingly.

Please leave your piggies together to finally get on with it and they will sort themselves out just fine!

PS: The oestrus cycle (seasons) is 15-17 days, anyway. You are better not trying to wait it out!
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Can you not leave them together in the girls cage for the time being, He has company then he doesn't poor patch won't know if he's coming or going, he has these 2 ladies and then he doesn't... must be very confusing! rolleyes
The age Poppy (Patch's sister) and Poppy are in a cage that has a floor space of just over 8 square foot which Is why I was making the new cage.:)
It'll be ok temporary... aslong as it's only for a wee while, they will be, I had to keep mine in the smallest cage in the world, when I just moved back it was fine temporary...
Yes just for a week it will be fine, and I'm sure you give your pigs floortime too. It'll be ok for patch to get his women finially....

I don't have the measurements of my temporary cage but my wee ones, were so cramped I felt awful gives you the incentive to get there cage sorted :).

Some pigs spend there life in cages which are far to small, your pigs can handle a week! rolleyes

Make sure you clean it before you put patch in!

8 square foot... is just 2.5 square foot under whats recommended I think mine were in like 5 square foot :(. It had to be done and they were all fine... Now they have there mansion everyone is happy :D!
When I clean the cage I'll put them all in the playpen togther clean it out and use the disinfectant to make sure it dosn't smell of the piggies.:)
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