Bonding My Blind Boar


New Born Pup
Aug 29, 2017
Reaction score
I adopted Dougall, a blind boar, about a month ago. I have no background on him, no idea where or how he was kept before, if he has ever seen another guinea pig or not, and also no idea what age he is. The vet was unsure beyond saying he was fully grown.( i could have guessed that myself, given his size -1300g!).

I know that piggies do better in pairs or groups, so I'm starting to think about a friend for him. I'm just concerned that being blind, he is not going to bond with another pig, or that he will be bullied, or stressed by someone else in his run.

Has anyone been in this situation before, bonding blind piggies? Or have a suggestion how to proceed?
Yes it is possible to bond blind piggies. I know that Debbie at TEAS has lethals in her care who obviously have sight issues and they don't live alone.
I'll tag the rescue in to see if they have any thoughts about how best to do this. @furryfriends (TEAS)
I adopted Dougall, a blind boar, about a month ago. I have no background on him, no idea where or how he was kept before, if he has ever seen another guinea pig or not, and also no idea what age he is. The vet was unsure beyond saying he was fully grown.( i could have guessed that myself, given his size -1300g!).

I know that piggies do better in pairs or groups, so I'm starting to think about a friend for him. I'm just concerned that being blind, he is not going to bond with another pig, or that he will be bullied, or stressed by someone else in his run.

Has anyone been in this situation before, bonding blind piggies? Or have a suggestion how to proceed?
Well done you for adopting a blind piggy!
I'm sure he'd be just as delighted as any other piggy to be introduced to another piggy. Probably best to have them separated but side by side for a few days until he gets used to the smells and sounds of his new friend.
Thanks! Any advice or experience is gratefully received. I'm not an expert, Ive read a lot, but nothing beats first hand experience. i just want to do the best i can for him