bonding issue


New Born Pup
Dec 28, 2022
Reaction score
Liverpool uk
please help , i dont know if I'm being an over protective piggy mum but this bonding between grute and gizz seems to be getting worse not better. When gizz was with gizmo , gizz was the dominant one and they sorted there issues in a couple of days . Grute has now been with gizz for 3 weeks and the dominant behaviour just seems to be getting worse. There hasnt been any violence but gizz is becoming withdrawn and hiding in his house or under his hay .I'm worried that two dominent personalities arent going to work, poor gizz isnt getting a break and what was gentle nudging and slight dominant behaviour is now becoming excessive humping and what looks like biting at his rear end. I feel so sorry for gizz at the moment. we are supposed to be getting our baby spud soon and obviously getting a partner for him but I'm starting to wonder if i would be better bonding the new baby with gizz and getting a new friend for grute . please advise . Gizz is currently getting a break but talking away to himself in his bed as grute is lying across the exit sleeping , there is another exit though so he can get out if he wants too.
Have you tried separating them in the cage by putting up a divider?
This can often be a good indication of how the bonding is going as if one pig brightens up noticeably when they are separated it can be a sign that they aren't happy with their companion.

How is Gizz's weight?
If he seems withdrawn I would consider a trial separation (ideally so they can still see each other and interact through the bars) and see what happens.
thankyou , i am going to set up the other cage when my other half gets home and have them next to each other to see what happens . I just went to give gizz a bit if extra food just to make sure he was getting enough and grute wasnt eating it all and it cause mayhem as they ended up in a tug of war over it . They are cuerrently both lying at opposite ends of the cage having space from each other which they seem to do alot the last few days
Sorry to hear things are working out with the bond.
It‘s surprising how what seems to working well deteriorates within a few weeks.
I'm wondering if the reason for them getting worse is the change of cage?

A change in cage will mean a change in territories so that can cause an increase in dominance.However, I think I would still try the temporary separation because of the fact one is hiding away and seems withdrawn - that sounds more like a potential bond issue that needs looking at first
Well we separated them earlier, gizz has not eaten much of his veg and is still lying in his house alot but has stopped making the stange noise he was making. Grute is currently trying to eat his way through the bars to get to him 🙄. Hopefully they will both settle over the next few days
Unfortunately our issues with gizz got worse today. He was still hiding and making a low squeeky noise, his breathing also seemed quite shallow. We took him to the vets and he has a big abscess where grute was biting him. Unfortunately that cannot be treated at the moment as he also has a respiratory infection. He has been given antibiotics and pain relief but he will be touch and go and they have to us to be aware that he could rapidly decline, but he does have a chance. If he can get over the infection and his breathing gets back to normal they can then look at treating the abscess. Please all cross your fingers for him 😭 I can't face losing him so soon after losing gizmo and our little baby spud came home to us today and needs him to get better as they had a couple of hours together earlier and got on well.