Bonding- help please

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Junior Guinea Pig
Dec 2, 2010
Reaction score
Today I tried to introduce Matilda to the group (Hendrix- neutered boar, Maggie- dominant sow, Pumpkin and Popcorn- sows).

Matilda came to us a couple of weeks ago, she's about a year old and hasn't lived with other pigs since she was bought from a pet shop, presumably as a baby.

I had her living in a divided off section of the group's c&c cage for a few days and everything seemed fine- lots of sniffing through the bars but no aggression.

This evening I put them in a neutral space with lots of food to introduce them. It went really well for about 15 minutes but then Matilda started getting aggressive to Maggie and went for her- they had a little fight, though there was no hair pulled out or blood. I threw a towel over them and they separated, but both girls were chattering a lot. Hendrix stepped in to protect Maggie and Matilda went for him and they fought until I could separate them.

At that point I had to take her out and re-build a cage for her elsewhere, but the rest of the group were all very unsettled and chattering at each other the whole time until I was able to get them back into their cage.

I've got her totally separate for the moment and I'm not sure how to proceed. I don't want to give up on bonding her- I think she wants the company but I think having not lived with other pigs for so long means she doesn't know how to behave. I've never seen such a level of aggression when doing an introduction before- I know I need to let them sort things out to some extent but is it too much to let them fight like that? Any advice welcome!
Personally, if she is going to upset your group, I would be inclined to leave a harmonious, happy group as they are and get Matilda her own friend. Some pigs just dislike a group situation, and some sows hate other sows! My Snickers seems to have a thing against sows, she is on her own at the moment pending further investigation with the help of Pebble and her boys!

It sounds as though she challenged Maggie for 'top pig' position and Maggie told her where to go, quite rightly. it is up to you if you can stand by and let them sort it out. When we put Honey in with Whiskey and Noodles, despite being only a couple of months old she tried it on with both of them - Whiskey legged it and came running to me (such a baby) but Noodles quickly told her no, I am boss pig, and Honey thankfully had the sense to listen.
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