Bonding Help Needed....

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Junior Guinea Pig
May 26, 2014
Reaction score
I am a fairly New Guinea pig owner that rescued a pair from my local rescue. Sadly one of them has passed away very unexpectedly.
I would like to get a companion for the remaining boar I have but concerned if they will bond and how to go about it.
Is it correct that only two boars should live together or would a trio work?
Any advice appreciated please.
Hi there. With boars two work best. I am sorry you lost a little one. The best way to get a friend for your boar is to take him to a rescue for boar dating. This is were he can choose his own friend and will save any fall outs.
The rescue have been good and mentioned that idea so may well have to do that.
My concern is how quickly I can find him a companion because they seem to rehome there Intakes pretty quickly.
It's been mentioned to me it's best to find a companion as soon as possible.
Is it best to find a similar age? Or will a young boar be ok?
Hi! Key for any boar bond is character compatibility over age. If you cannot date, then it is generally safer to look for a younger, pre-hormonal boar unless you have a baby that will profit from an adult boar. An age difference often helps to stabilise the bond.

How old is your boy?

Another option is neutering, provided that you have a) access to a good piggy neutering vet to minimise the otherwise rather high risk of post op complication and b) the space to keep a sow or two in an adjacent cage for the 6 weeks post op wait until a boar is 100% safe to live with sows. I have the surprise baby from a supposedly safe over 5 weeks post op boar living with me, just to prove the last point. However, just having next door company should help your boy through the long wait and will ease the eventually bonding. We have got a rescue and a piggy savvy vet locator at the top. if the rescue you are using has got a neutering policy, they may be able to recommend a vet, especially if you are going to rehome from them.

PS: You are very welcome to post a tribute to the boy you have sadly lost in our Rainbow Bridge section.
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