Bonding help (2 boars in 1 group?)

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Junior Guinea Pig
Nov 7, 2011
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Hi guys just after some advice. I have an established group of 4 girls and a neutered boar, I also have another young boar who lost his friend a little while ago so i had him neutered so i can pair him with one of the females but i was hoping to bond him into the group. I know it will be difficult if even possible but this way they will be able to have acceas to all the available space inatead of me having to split it up.
I have heard of one other group with 2 neutered boars so thought i wpuld give it a shot.

What i'd like some help with is the best way to introduce the new boar to the group
I would not risk this as it is very rare for more then two boars to live with a group of sows. You could have all the piggies falling out and that would be so sad when you have a happily bonded group.
It is a VERY tricky undertaking! It is not impossible, but you need to have two boars that are character compatible to pull it off - and lots of space. Don't persevere if the boars don't get on right from the beginning or show signs of major aggression along the way.

Please be aware that fights can blow up and escalate VERY quickly, even several days into the bonding. Also keep in mind that full-on fights can end up with serious injuries and - in the worst case - even the death of one boar. Trying to bond in another boar into your existing group will also be very stressful to the sows and the tension can carry over into their behaviour and destabilise the whole group. Even after a separation, you may find that they will need quite some time to settle down again and that there can be quite some aggression amongst your well bonded piggies.

Do not leave the boars together without any supervision if you are not 100% sure that they are really getting on well with no signs of aggression, even after waking up.

If you really want to try this and not just bond the younger boar with one of your girls, make sure that you always have plan B at the ready! Stage the intros only on neutral ground without any hideys or anything that any boar can become possessive about, or you give away the game right from the start, as a boar will defend his territory and sows against intruders. Make sure that you also neutralise your cage (including a thorough clean of all the furniture, ideally a rearrangement) before you put your piggies back if things go well - otherwise you could experience some difficulties.

Please read these links, so you can react before the situation blows up:!-Simple-Dominance-Displays-or-Fighting
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