Bonding has gone well !

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Feb 8, 2012
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The bonding between Jasmine and Bee has gone well so far! Jasmine is very dominant, so I bathed her and put her into Bee' s indoor cage afterwards so she got some of the scent from Bee onto her! ( thought i would use the element of confusion) Then we put them both into the playpen with lots of fresh veggies and hay! There was a little pushing and shoving on Jasmines behalf but generally not a bad wheek from either of them!
Meanwhile my hubby was in the garden marketing me a triple bank of hutches!
Pics to follow! Wow they are amazing! So... My question is.... I have them both in a brand new hutch, ie no smells from each other! So is the bonding done or do I need to still keep a close eye on them?I checked them this morning and all seems fine!
Acceptance has happened and by the sound of it, most of dominance as well (that is the hierarchy/relationship settlement phase after the initial acceptance). The dominance bit can take several days to even weeks, but you do no longer have to worry with two girls, unlike with boars.
Thanks Wiebke! I was a little concerned as Bee is a bit smaller than Jasmine, she around 13 weeks I think! What would be your advice on getting a friend for Chalky? He's not neutered and is around 20 weeks ish give or take a few! I don't know anyone locally who does boar dating but would love to try that! I did see that there was someone but they won't allow prospective homes with children to adopt! I have a 6 year old son but he adores them and is r real animal lover like me! My husband dispairs! Lol :))
Here is a link to our map of recommendable rescues in Britain. It is being updated as we go along. It is worth going the extra distance for a stable bonding under expert supervision and the security that you can always go back to the rescue for help/support if necessary.

Most piggies are actually quite gentle and patient with babies and youngsters.
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