Bonding guinea pigs: please help!


New Born Pup
Jan 11, 2021
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Hi all,

I'm trying to bond 2 guinea pigs and finding it quite stressful. Could use some advice!

My boy Genie has been alone for quite a while since he was bullied when he was younger. I've been trying to find a single girl to adopt and finally found a little girl we named Daphne.

Not sure what the best thing to do is and right now Genie seems good with her when they're in their cages next to eachother. But when they're both on me it he gets put out like maybe he's getting jealous or annoyed.

What's the best thing to do to encourage them to bond? Only had daphne 2 days - am I rushing it by having them both out at the same time?

Please help I'm worrying too much about whether I'm doing it right!
Hi all,

I'm trying to bond 2 guinea pigs and finding it quite stressful. Could use some advice!

My boy Genie has been alone for quite a while since he was bullied when he was younger. I've been trying to find a single girl to adopt and finally found a little girl we named Daphne.

Not sure what the best thing to do is and right now Genie seems good with her when they're in their cages next to eachother. But when they're both on me it he gets put out like maybe he's getting jealous or annoyed.

What's the best thing to do to encourage them to bond? Only had daphne 2 days - am I rushing it by having them both out at the same time?

Please help I'm worrying too much about whether I'm doing it right!

Hi and welcome

Please take the time to carefully read our very comprehensive step-by-step bonding guide with pictures and videos and related links below. Please note that once you commit, you have to ride the tiger wherever it takes you. There is never a guarantee that a bonding will work out but there is no 'safe' way to bond. Any bonding ultimately stands and falls with your piggies clicking, making a personality match and wanting to be together; you cannot change a personality and you can also not control how they react to each other.

You will have to brace yourself for quite a lot of excitement from the boy and lots vocalisation from the girl. If she submits, she will let him mount her; if she is the dominant and not in season, then she won't. Your biggest problem will be to sit by and NOT interfere.

Bonding and Interaction: Illustrated social behaviours and bonding dynamics
When Sows Experience A Strong Season (videos)
A - Z of Guinea Pig Behaviours

Cuddle meetings don't count as bonding and are often just an exercise in frustration for piggies because they do not 'play time' or 'lap time' - for them, every face to face interaction with another piggy is a full-on interrupted/aborted bonding session, and as such they are rather counterproductive. Your boy wants to meet the girl and really get excited about her.

If Daphne is under 4 months, then she is desperate for company and guidance. The bonding is unlikely to fail.

All the best!

PS: I assume that Genie is over 6 weeks neutered?