Bonding group of 3 girls & 2 boys


New Born Pup
Jun 17, 2016
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Good morning.

I have 3 girls aged approx 3/4 years (rescues) and have been fostering 2 boys aged 1 & 2 ish. The boys are currently in another room as entire and I didn't want to risk fighting as my girls aren't neutered.

I'm hoping you can help me with some questions please ....

Can 2 males be kept together if entire?
Can 2 males be kept in same room as 3 females if neutered?
Can 2 neutered males be bonded with 3 entire females?

Thank you
Two un-neutered boars can be kept together as whether they are whole or not doesn't affect behaviour.

However, boars do not share sows. Keeping them in the same room or together is asking for a fight and a broken bond between your boars. Again, this will not change regardless of whether they are whole or not.

You could consider splitting them into mixed groups if the boars are neutered - have you had a look at the bonding and behaviour guides? (I'd link but am on my phone.) I'm not clear if you're keeping them post-foster or not - I'd keep them as is if you're rehoming the boys as they're unlikely to want to go back to the bachelor life if they've had a taste of living with ladies!

I'm sure one of the forum experts will be along soon to advise further 🙂 Good luck!
:agr: As above

Two boars can be kept together as a pair, whether they are neutered or not. I have, as do many on here, have an an unneutered boar pair. It’s character compatibility which is vital to a bond. Neutering only prevents pregnancies.

A boar pair should be kept in a different room to sows at all times. If you try to keep a bonded pair of boars (neutered or not) in the same room as sows (spayed or not), then there is a risk that even smelling the girls will ruin the bond between the two boys (cause then to fight over the girls even if they can never get to them). If you wish the boys to remain together, then they are best to be kept in a separate room at all times.

You can never keep two boars in the same cage with any sows, even if the boys are neutered. Putting two boars in the same cage with any sows will cause the boys to fight.

Sows are not really spayed as routine as it is a major surgery and generally only done if the medical need arises (ie ovarian cysts). The girls being spayed will not make any difference to your boys - even if the girls were spayed, the boys still cannot be near them if the boys are to remain together as a pair.

Going forward, your living arrangements, if you’re planning on keeping the fostered boys, need to be either -
- Keep the boars as a pair and they need to stay in a different room; and then keep the girls together as a group in the other room.
Neuter the boys, have the six weeks post op wait and then split your sows up, putting one boar with two of the sows and the other boar with the other sow who is left single. They can all be in the same room then but in two separate cages

Adding More Guinea Pigs Or Merging Pairs – What Works And What Not?
A Comprehensive Guide to Guinea Pig Boars
Neutered / De-sexed Boars And Neutering Operations: Myths, Facts and Post-op Care
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