Junior Guinea Pig
Hi I'm New to this forum and am looking for advice on bonding 15mnth old Biscuit to 10 week old Bandit. When Biscuits brother died we contacted a rescue who advised that we should let him mature before trying to bond. We now have Bandit and they are at the moment living side by side in cages, I've bought a hutch run combo for the garden and have a new c and c cage on order for the pair once bonded (fingers crossed) but when we got Bandit the lady said Biscuit was probably so use to living alone it could be a problem although everything I have read says they need company and thrive on it. I'm now so worried that I've made a huge mistake and that I'm going to have two boys living lonely lives side by side in seperate cages. Help! I have read the bonding thread but am really worried and it would be really nice to hear people's personal experiences when bonding boars.