Bonding bereaved pig with existing trio


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 22, 2020
Reaction score
London, UK
Hi, I’m not quite sure what to make of my current situation with my bereaved 5 year old sow, Luna.

She’s been alone for around a month after her friend passed away. She’s always been very submissive and small, and she was zooming and popcorning after her friend passed, which I hadn’t seen her do in many years.

I took her for bonding yesterday at This Little Piggy Richmond, where she met a trio of sows. Heather, at the rescue, bonded them, but we weren’t quite sure whether it would be successful or not as Luna just avoided all the other pigs.

We decided to try it with them at home and I’ve had them home together for 24 hours now. Luna is just hiding on her own at the top of the castle while the other pigs live on the ground level. It seems like any time she ventures down, if the top pig comes near her it ends up with a chase and teeth chattering from top pig. The rest of the trio are also teeth chattering and chasing her.

I’m not sure whether to continue to hold my nerve and let it play out, or whether the trio have firmly decided that Luna is not for them…

I’m away for the next few days for a work trip, and my non piggy savvy partner will be here, but it does make things more difficult!

Any advice or thoughts would be gratefully received!

(Picture of Luna in the castle avoiding everyone attached!)


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Isolating herself and consistent chattering does not sound very good I’m afraid.

Can I ask; how long was she at the rescue for bonding?
If it was just a short time (ie speed dating) did you then bring them home and put them back in neutral territory for several hours more without hides?

Speed dating only allows you to see whether it immediately fails or not but it doesn’t allow for any further setting up of the hierarchy. That needs to be continued on neutral territory back at home.
Thank you so much for your speedy response!

She was there for 3-4 hours with them, and she had them in together with hides. I did wonder as I know that’s different than the forum recommended bonding method, but I know that it’s a forum approved rescue so I deferred to their judgement.

When I got back home I just popped them in the (freshly cleaned) cage, which I’m now thinking was not a good idea?

If I separate them, I’ll need to do it tonight before I leave as I’m not sure my partner will be able to catch a pig on his own…
What happened at the bonding - did she isolate herself there too?
Hides aren’t recommended during bonding - they can create territories and generally cause problems during bonding.
Yes she was mainly sitting as far away as she could from the others, although apparently there was a while where one of the others came and slept beside her and she stayed put.

I wasn’t there for most of it, I was asked to return after a few hours of bonding, so I’m not certain exactly what happened, but it sounded more promising than what is currently playing out at home…
I’m just wondering whether you should put them on neutral territory with no hides and see what happens. It should help to give you an answer one way or the other.
Well that was extremely conclusive, thank you. The top pig went right for Luna and started attacking her. They’re now separated.

Sad that it won’t work for them, but I now have peace of mind that I can go away and Luna will be safe and happier.