Bonding behavior?


New Born Pup
Jan 2, 2024
Reaction score
Hi I just recently got two male guinea pigs resses and York I got resses first around Halloween and I just recently got York, resses has always been very sweet and cuddly with me but as soon as I got York he doesn't want to cuddle anymore he is obsessed with York constantly following him cuddles with him and Squeaks every time I take York out for some separate time which I'm happy he loves York but York is very tiny he sleeps alot and wants to be left alone sometimes so I take him away from resses so he can have a break I was wondering if this is normal behavior and if resses will go back to being cuddly with me again or not reeses and York are my first guinea pigs so I don't know if this is normal for guinea pigs when their getting to know each other or not.
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Yes his behaviour is normal. He is still bonded with you, but he now has what he needs most in terms of companionship and interaction and that is from another piggy. He may not go back to being as cuddly as he was with you - previously when he was single he had transferred all his social needs onto you because he didn’t have another piggy but now he does, he will be happier.

It’s best to not separate them, particularly if they are calling for each other. Boars need to be left together so if you take one out then you should take them both out.

A Comprehensive Guide to Guinea Pig Boars
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Yes his behaviour is normal. He is still bonded with you, but he now has what he needs most in terms of companionship and interaction and that is from another piggy. He may not go back to being as cuddly as he was with you - previously when he was single he had transferred all his social needs onto you because he didn’t have another piggy but now he does, he will be happier.

It’s best to not separate them, particularly if they are calling for each other. Boars need to be left together so if you take one out then you should take them both out.

A Comprehensive Guide to Guinea Pig Boars
Ok thank you very much for the information.