Bonding begins for Eddie and Rory


Junior Guinea Pig
Aug 13, 2023
Reaction score
Scunthorpe, UK
Hi everyone! Following your advice, I wanted to update you on the bonding process; we began yesterday. I have some photos and videos below.

I am cautiously confident… going by the guides here with bonding/behaviour/about boars, we seem to be having an OK time so far with Eddie (white) and Rory’s (B&W) bonding journey. (you were not joking about it being a breath-holding time in my other post!)

Just about their area: two water bottles, one is hidden in the photos under the black blanket; two blankets for a feeling of shelter (not added right away), separate ends of the enclosure; filled the centre with hay, fresh greens, some nuggets and some treats (it was neat, they spread it ha ha); the enclosure is a C&C 5 x 2, we have made into an L shape. The total square footage is 13.1 sq ft.

When the guys first went in, we put Eddie in first as we were pretty sure he would be dominant. We were correct in this assumption; Rory seems to have taken to submissive immediately. He has not shown dominant behaviour, bar once chin raise within the first few mins, but his body language was facing sideways to Eddie. Eddie has been facing him when doing this and exhibiting other dominant shows.

Rory made the initial move and approached Eddie while eating hay. Then began about 45 mins of chasing, humping, teeth chattering, and rumble-strutting, with Rory trying to avoid Eddie (this was not continuous, it was interspersed with laying down and eating). Nothing seemed too extreme, and no teeth were baring or lunging, so we trusted the process. Rory did not once show any dominant behaviour and was retreating from Eddie’s advances (which I was thankful for).

After approx 45 min - 1 hr, Rory was being a little more confident again, trying to approach Eddie for a bum sniff, even though he was being chased off. He was also eating more, and we had seen him drink a few times since. This made me feel a little happier, as had he not interacted, I know it would have been a stop situation.
Eddie was still doing some rumble-strutting now and again, but the teeth chattering and humping had all but stopped. There was the odd yawn, but honestly, as worried as I was, I thought this was genuinely down to tiredness (I still watched close and took it seriously, being a potential warning sign). After about another hour, I did not add any hides into the house but covered two opposite corners with a blanket to give some shelter. When I walked away, the boys headed to one and lay together to sleep (once Eddie ensured he had the prime spot) there is a photo of them together from last night below. When they woke, there was a little rumble-strut from Eddie but nothing more.

I had seen Eddie wash himself a couple of times during the time too, and Rory once. Though only once were right next to each other (when Eddie grooming himself), so unsure if this was a coincidence. There had also been nose touching from Eddie, and no teeth were shown.

As we went to bed (at 1 am as my partner forced me to leave them finally 😆), both boys were awake together, with Rory following Eddie around when they walked. Sometimes Eddie would follow Rory too, without any noise. Rory managed a few bum sniffs, with Eddie continuing to eat and not chasing Rory off. And they had laid down next to each other a few times, having slept twice.

Today, we have awoken to two very chatty boys - Rory’s chatter can be pretty loud when approached by Eddie.

There are no signs of any fallouts from the night, albeit no longer a nice neat pile of hay, but a hay carpet of sorts (please excuse that in the photos - we definitely put that in neatly, haha).
Eddie has begun to rumble-strut again, but I am not worried about that as he is not doing anything else that is on either the warning or danger signs. Just his regular rumbling show of dominance, sometimes when approaching or walking past Rory, other times if Rory is sniffing his bottom (though he did do it once when Rory was in a corner, Rory could have got away if he wanted - I have a video if needed).
I am watching them and ensuring Rory is acting “normally” - I have seen him eating. If noise makes them jump, they run together and sit under a cover together too. I also saw Rory yawn, but as it was in isolation, I think it was tiredness or a little stress (again, watching closely).

So, all in all, I hope. I know it is just day two of a longer process, so I stick to them like glue. I am also at home all day until Thursday and then beyond during the two weeks, so I am watching extremely closely.

I wanted to post to update, including promised photos! I also wanted to ensure I am not missing any obvious signs of anything “bad”, as this seems to have gone (unnervingly) OK so far, and I know it may not stay this way, and it may change in a second.

I will put their hides in a little later today, maybe in an hour or so (they are log tunnels). As they were in their separate cages, do I need to wipe their scents over both hides before putting them in? I read that somewhere but have read so much that I cannot remember if it was from here. (The hides have two exits, and both doorways will be fully open).
I would also like to tidy the hay up and put their two hay bags in (each bag also has two holes in it, so four access points in total) - is this OK at this point? Or will sweeping the hay up, and adding the bags, be a trigger for Eddie this early on? I am happy to wait if that is best for the process.

I’ll update this thread with any developments, but please, all of you and your piggies send lots of love this way in the hope that my boys can finally have the lives they deserve and that I wanted to give them the moment I saw them looking sad and alone at adoption.

Frankie :luv:

PS. There are two water bottles; the second is under the black blanket.

The only thing that has worried me literally just now, that I can't work out, is as I was writing how well they are doing in this post, Eddie began to chase and try and hump Rory again. This is ok, I know, so I carried on. Rory wouldn't let him, he kept running, but once he stopped and Eddie stopped trying to hump, he went to Rory's face and did like a head flick up? He didn't hold a chin raise, it was more of a flick up. I can't be sure if he was trying to lift Rory's head or if it was just his own, as I couldn't see, and it was too quick for me to move (I did try). I then think he either nipped Rory's ear or like nudged his head. I don't think it was a lunge, as he was right next to him, but I can't be 100% sure. I am obviously going to keep an eye out, but any advice (if you understand what I am trying to describe), would be appreciated massively. They have been laid in separate ends and calm, sleeping - the last photo. This was about half an hour ago, I was waiting for my videos to upload to youtube before posting.
As of this moment, Eddie is trying to lie with Rory, and Rory moved a short few steps away to eat (I tried to get a photo, but made Rory jump and he moved.)

Last night:

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Rory sniffing Eddie's bottom - no rumbling here, and Eddie continued to eat.

Laid down and relaxing together Laid down and relaxing together
IMG_8459.webpexcuse the panoramic photo. This is the most recent, taken at 1.15 pm after the humping and head flick.

Video 1: general behaviour this morning:

Video 2: Eddie rumble-strutting:

Video 3: Immediately after Eddie had been chasing and trying to hump Rory:
I am so jealous their bonding is going so well. If I wasn't grey already I would be this week with fusspot Bertie. So many lovely piggies have passed through this house. Mind you I've never met a piggy I didn't like, (that could be about to change!).
I am so jealous their bonding is going so well. If I wasn't grey already I would be this week with fusspot Bertie. So many lovely piggies have passed through this house. Mind you I've never met a piggy I didn't like, (that could be about to change!).
Honestly, I can't quite believe it. I am so nervous that it is going to change at the drop of a hat, but I really really hope they continue to sort things out!

Bless Bertie... 😣 there must be a perfect match out there somewhere! 🤞 But I really do feel for you ... I cannot imagine the stress. I am following his journey and really hope he meets his piggie buddy very soon, for him and you! xx

They now have two wooden hides in the house. Of course, some dominance has resurfaced from Eddie.... I am back to biting my nails I will be honest.

We have had a little rumble-strutting, but mainly he is chasing Rory around again. Not nonstop; they are both stopping and eating the hay. I have also seen Rory drink.

Rory has had his chin up, once that I have seen, but his whole body was at a 90-degree angle from Eddie ... I think Eddie is just trying to claim both new area's at the moment, so I hope it will settle again soon 🤞

After the final photo, Eddie is now alternating between flopping out in the hide for a couple of seconds and standing up and rumble-strutting past Rory at the back of it, or grabbing a drink - Rory keeps backing off, so that is good, but wishing Eddie had taken a liking to the other hide, which is near where he has been laying the last two days! Hence the placements. They are both near where each boy had been sleeping and laying 🤦‍♀️ boys.

Eddie sniffs Rory's bum as they walk around the new hides. There was no rumbling or anything at this point.

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A bit of chasing and rumbling .. hoping the chasing stops again.

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After the chasing, Eddie lay inside this hide, and Rory lay at the side of it. Then when Eddie explored a bit more, Rory flopped at the back. The squeaks and the rubles stopped for a short while.
So pleased that the bonding has gone well 🎉
It is nice to see reactions like this because I am so afraid I am missing something, especially with Eddie chasing Rory so much. Hence all the detail.
But when you guys say it's going well, I feel some relief! Thank you for taking the time to reply 😊 x
It is nice to see reactions like this because I am so afraid I am missing something, especially with Eddie chasing Rory so much. Hence all the detail.
But when you guys say it's going well, I feel some relief! Thank you for taking the time to reply 😊 x
We get as excited about other people’s piggies and their lives as we do our own.
Those of us who have bonded piggies know how stressful it can be.

I always recommend chocolate and coffee to calm the nerves - for you, not the piggies 😁
We get as excited about other people’s piggies and their lives as we do our own.
Those of us who have bonded piggies know how stressful it can be.

I always recommend chocolate and coffee to calm the nerves - for you, not the piggies 😁
I cannot explain all the coffee I have consumed today 😆 perhaps the chocolate is indeed what is missing😉
I wish I'd joined the forum much sooner to be honest - it is so supportive!

Oh jeez .. Eddie is trying to hump again as I type. *sigh*

Boars will be boars! I've had elderly boars 4+ the need to endorse their dominance doesn't completely go away it just becomes less frequent. It takes them 3 weeks to cement the bond, yours sound like they are doing good. I'll swap your 2 for Bertie!
We get as excited about other people’s piggies and their lives as we do our own.
Those of us who have bonded piggies know how stressful it can be.

I always recommend chocolate and coffee to calm the nerves - for you, not the piggies 😁
Or a large glass of wine!

A little tip when you clean them out. Always leave a bit if old hay in their cage, it will keep them calm and no rescenting will be needed (they’ll know it’s their territory)
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Boars will be boars! I've had elderly boars 4+ the need to endorse their dominance doesn't completely go away it just becomes less frequent. It takes them 3 weeks to cement the bond, yours sound like they are doing good. I'll swap your 2 for Bertie!

As long as it settles, I am happy. I know what to expect now when it resurfaces. And the rumble-strutting really had me on edge yesterday as I had only seen it in videos and not first-hand, but now I am used to it (and, most importantly, understand it), so it won't worry me once they are bonded and happy and resurfaces.

Thank you. Eddie is rumbling and chasing Rory now, so reading this at the same time stops me from holding my breath so much!

Bless Bertie,I really hope the next visit is a charm. Did I see you had a Guinea called Mint to try?
Well done boys, there doesn’t look like any displays of aggression at all there 💙💙
Thank you for letting me know! :luv: I really do appreciate it!

Huge, huge, relief to have all of your knowledgeable input. I may have done a fair amount of research, but obviously, it just throws you when it is suddenly first-hand and real-time haha
Thank you for letting me know! :luv: I really do appreciate it!

Huge, huge, relief to have all of your knowledgeable input. I may have done a fair amount of research, but obviously, it just throws you when it is suddenly first-hand and real-time haha
Binding is very scary, I have had one that was completely stressless (Posh, Ginger and my old boy Ted) and one that was really frightening (New young boy Hector, Posh and Ginger) a complete nightmare that still sends shudders down my spine 😆 :yikes:

You never can tell how things will go but doing your research does help a lot
As long as it settles, I am happy. I know what to expect now when it resurfaces. And the rumble-strutting really had me on edge yesterday as I had only seen it in videos and not first-hand, but now I am used to it (and, most importantly, understand it), so it won't worry me once they are bonded and happy and resurfaces.

Thank you. Eddie is rumbling and chasing Rory now, so reading this at the same time stops me from holding my breath so much!

Bless Bertie,I really hope the next visit is a charm. Did I see you had a Guinea called Mint to try?
Yes Mint is living the other side of a divider in a new to them both cage at the moment. The rescue have been brilliant in helping me, we are trying them living side by side before attempting to bond this time to see if they can get some of the aggressive behaviours out of the way first! Mint fell out with his brother just after they arrived in rescue. The rescue has so many single boars it's heart breaking but good for those of us who have difficult customers!
Binding is very scary, I have had one that was completely stressless (Posh, Ginger and my old boy Ted) and one that was really frightening (New young boy Hector, Posh and Ginger) a complete nightmare that still sends shudders down my spine 😆 :yikes:

You never can tell how things will go but doing your research does help a lot

They really are humans in little suits aren't they; no one size fits all. If they don't like another, then they don't! 😳 I am sorry you had a really frightening one, that must have been awful.
Yes Mint is living the other side of a divider in a new to them both cage at the moment. The rescue have been brilliant in helping me, we are trying them living side by side before attempting to bond this time to see if they can get some of the aggressive behaviours out of the way first! Mint fell out with his brother just after they arrived in rescue. The rescue has so many single boars it's heart breaking but good for those of us who have difficult customers!

I was very naive before getting Eddie and Rory and delving into more research ... I really wish I had looked further into the rescues because I would have 100% gone that route. I feel really silly, tbh. That being said, I wouldn't now be without my boys. And both of them were fated to a life alone, I think, waiting all sad in their tiny adoption boxes at a well-known chain store.

Fingers crossed for Mint. It would be amazing for Bertie, for you, and for Mint after his start in life!
Or a large glass of wine!

A little tip when you clean them out. Always leave a bit if old hay in their cage, it will keep them calm and no rescenting will be needed (they’ll know it’s their territory)

Haha, I actually texted my partner saying "Bring alcohol" - it is his turn tonight to be on absolute tenterhooks, whilst I have a glass 😝 I joke, I, of course, will still be hovering😂

Thank you, that is great! I will do that. When we first got them in individual homes we always left a little of the bedding in there so they weren't upset when going back in, but when we changed to the fleeces I did wonder about washing their territory smells away, especially once together.

I was planning on using hay bags for feeding and having some sort of short-sided container below, with softer meadow hay in it. Will leaving some used meadow hay in there (the container) be enough - or would you say make sure for now (or even after bonding?) to have some hay on the ground to move onto the clean fleeces when cleaning out? I hope you don't mind me picking your brain a little further! 😊
I use fleece pee pads over the fleece in the places they lie the most. I don't change these at the same time as changing the main fleece liner.
I don't mean to annoy anyone with my constant updates, but I am so proud of my boys! I have no idea how I got so lucky, but they are still doing really well so far (fingers crossed for the next few weeks!)

We removed most of the old smelly hay last night and put the hay bags in. The boys were happy straight away sharing, and when Eddie wanted a particular section, Rory just moved without hassle :D


The next step is to take one of the mats out (only one) because the smell of wee in our living room right now is quite potent 😂I just made a grid of some cute photos from days 2 & 3.

Thank you for everything, guys :hug:we couldn't do this alone x


edit: unsure why my video only plays on YouTube; I'm sorry! I did the same as with my other one's :hmm:

Ok, let's see if it works this time, then haha 🤞

Edit: hmmm, ok I am unsure.... never mind! Minus video then lol
Oh my goodness, I have not been on here since the beginning of August, as my dearest Luna (house rabbit) thought my blue cable for my Macbook Air was a delicious-looking piece of spicey hay 🙈 we have now bought a new cable, so here I am again lol! We couldn't buy one immediately as we bought extra things that Eddie and Rory needed for their home. THEN Luna went into GI Stasis last week, so we are currently treating this at home with syringe feeding, painkillers, etc. (but with Vet advice/input/visits).


We have passed three weeks of bonding! We are actually at five weeks tomorrow! We still have the odd grumpy actions from Eddie to Rory, and we must be especially thoughtful when giving treats in particular - Eddie will take all of Rory's if he could! We are breaking Eddie's up and putting them around him so he has to look, whilst giving Rory's directly to him so that Eddie (ideally) doesn't finish first and take Rory's from under his mouth. We then watch like hawks 😂 .. any advice on this is welcome. 😁

I think all is good! I did notice some lunging from Eddie towards Rory the other day, but it is small lunges, and Rory runs a way squeaking. No jumps or any facing off.

Now they are all OK I am going to make them their own update post, so I am not clogging off this forum.

So yes - I think all is good! Now off I go to catch up on a month's worth of posts 🫣 xIMG_8937.jpeg
Oh gosh I love these two boys, full of mischief. They remind me so much of my rainbow boys Bill and Ted
Oh gosh I love these two boys, full of mischief. They remind me so much of my rainbow boys Bill and Ted
Mischief is one word for it 😂

Is there a thread with photos of Bill and Ted? I would love to see who them! Is that a photo of them in your photo? Or is that one of your other 4 babies in your sig 😊
