Bonding Bath

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Junior Guinea Pig
Feb 15, 2016
Reaction score
After separating my piggies due to a fall out which resulted in a swipe cut on Bowie's lip I have been very worried about putting them together in their run again. Just recently they have started bickering and teeth chatting through the bars at each other.
Would they happily bath together?
After separating my piggies due to a fall out which resulted in a swipe cut on Bowie's lip I have been very worried about putting them together in their run again. Just recently they have started bickering and teeth chatting through the bars at each other.
Would they happily bath together?

I would wait with intros until hostilities have died down. As things stand, a bath won't do anything, whether you do the boys together or separately. It is there to remove any excess stink of testosterone (so they are not riled up again straight away), but it won't contribute to the boars ultimately getting on, the same as all the other old breeders tricks. I know that bonding baths are generally touted as the non-plus-ultra, but they have in fact only limited use. In the end, it comes down to your two boys wanting to stay together or not - and there is nothing you can do to force them to stay together if they are not happy.
Introducing And Re-introducing Guinea Pigs
Illustrated Bonding Behaviours And Dynamics
Dominance Behaviours In Guinea Pigs

Best of luck!
Thanks for the helpful info and speedy reply. I think my boys are just happier to be apart but visible to one another
Thanks for the helpful info and speedy reply. I think my boys are just happier to be apart but visible to one another

My two boars fell out several months ago after being together for a year, and after a failed reintroduction a couple of weeks ago I've decided that they would just be happier interacting through their divider. Make sure that if you do end up trying to put them back together, you do a full reintroduction, as if they'd never met each other before. Some boar pairs just aren't meant to be, I guess.

I miss the days when I could clean the divider-less cage without having to literally get inside of it to clean it and could ration out vegetables and hay in one big pile. :))
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