Bonding baby sow to adult sow


New Born Pup
Dec 7, 2022
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Hi I recently failed to get my single sow (Saffy) to bond with a trio due to neither saffy nor the other dominant pig backing down for top dog position . I'm due to get a 10 week old sow tomorrow.

The bonding process, is it done the same way you would with 2 adults?

Is it better to have the baby in thier own part next to saffy' cage for sight, smell and hear first, or can they go straight into neutral territory for bonding?

Saffy has free roam of the lounge when I'm home, is it better for them to "find each other" in thier own time in the lounge?


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If a youngster is under four months old then you need to bond straight away (no quarantine) on neutral territory - babies should not be alone.
Bonding is done the same way - put them
In a neutral territory space (somewhere Saffy does not see as her space) and leave them for a few hours to bond while cleaning down the cage they are to live in
If a youngster is under four months old then you need to bond straight away (no quarantine) on neutral territory - babies should not be alone.
Bonding is done the same way - put them
In a neutral territory space (somewhere Saffy does not see as her space) and leave them for a few hours to bond while cleaning down the cage they are to live in
That's great! Thank you for a speedy reply. Will set up the bonding space in my bedroom :)
If a youngster is under four months old then you need to bond straight away (no quarantine) on neutral territory - babies should not be alone.
Bonding is done the same way - put them
In a neutral territory space (somewhere Saffy does not see as her space) and leave them for a few hours to bond while cleaning down the cage they are to live in
Hi, the bonding went well I believe no fighting just alot of sniffing bums and my adult sow (Saffy) nipping the little one (Dilly) a few times. No injuries, she wouldn't even squeal so I believe not intended to harm only boss about.

I have them in the normal cage now, completely cleaned and fresh beds with 2 entries. Again all is going really well but whenever Dilly zoomies this causes saffy to chase and nip Dilly. Again Dilly doesn't seem too bothered. Will this settle down? Saffy only does it at this piont or when Dilly is behind her doing whatever she is doing. Past this its friendly enough.
It will all settle down. The whole bonding process continues over the next couple of weeks. But acceptance has taken place. Saffy is simply asserting her dominance over her new young and very lively companion.
It will all settle down. The whole bonding process continues over the next couple of weeks. But acceptance has taken place. Saffy is simply asserting her dominance over her new young and very
It will all settle down. The whole bonding process continues over the next couple of weeks. But acceptance has taken place. Saffy is simply asserting her dominance over her new young and very lively companion.
She was very lively, now since 18.30 she took herself into a hidey and hasn't eaten anything. I've had a quick check and she looks fine?