Bonding and taming new piggies


New Born Pup
Jul 17, 2022
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Hello everyone! My name is Katie. When I was researching guinea pigs and searched for information online, uncle Google would almost always point me to this forum. So I figured I would join as I really loved all the great information on here and the helpful community.

I’ve recently gotten my first piggies. They are two sisters, 3 months old now, and I’ve had them for about 7 weeks. I’ve been trying to do my best at getting them to trust me, using various tips from here and youtube, but sometimes I find myself doubting if I’m doing it right or totally wrong, or whether I’m just impatient. I realize some piggies can take a lot of time to tame but I would love to hear your thoughts.

The girls, Merigold and Peregrine, are definitely more confident and calmer compared to their first couple of weeks with me. They wheek at me for food/snacks, they do zoomies, they popcorn, and they are generally fine when I’m cleaning their cage. I’ve been also hand feeding them. Smaller snacks (like pieces of carrots or bell pepper) they’ll take only from behind the bars, so I’ve started hand feeding them grass and longer straws, which they really enjoy. But whenever they chomp too close to my hand or they get the smallest whiff of my hand, they jump back and throw their head up.

What upsets me the most though is that sometimes when I think we’re making progress something out of my control (like a car honks outside, or a piece of furniture cracks etc.) startles the piggies, they run to hide, while making the unhappy purring sound. When I try to use my voice to calm them or reassure that it’s okay, I feel like I only make it worse. It then takes them some time to get back to the comfort level they were right before the scare happened.

This is just the basic rundown of how things are for us right now. And my question is, am I too timid/soft? Or am I right in letting my piggies decide on the progress of the taming process? I’ve read and heard various opinions on the matter, but I don’t wanna be too forceful on my piggies. With that said, one needs to do health checkup and so on, and that can’t be really done without handling the pigs. I’m really uncertain on how to proceed so any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Hello and welcome. It is always best to take it at their pace. And I think you should use the word ‘tame’ carefully. I don’t believe that piggies can be tamed in the true sense of the word. Most piggies will be never like being handled or cuddled or even just picked up. The latter cuts too close to their prey instinct.

Yes you do need to do health checks. Perhaps herd them into a carrier, box, cuddle cup, cuddle sack etc then get them out their cage that way.

It takes time. Seven weeks is really nothing in the grand scheme of things. As an example, I’ve had my boys for 5 years next month. They settled in quickly and I was hand feeding from day one. They like lap time (a rarity now) and are very interactive with me/us. On the other hand, one of my girls loved a cuddle while the other doesn’t. So I would put her in the cat bed when I got them out and she was content to sit in there munching on hay. They took longer to accept food from my hand and would hide a lot of the time, even after a year.

So, in summary, take it at their pace and just know it could take years before they are truly comfortable with you. Enjoy just watching them. The popcorning is a good sign so know you’re doing something right 😌

PS be careful about feeding carrot too regularly. It’s high in sugar and should be an occasional treat.

I love their names by the way.

I’ve always followed my piggies lead when it comes to their interaction with me.

It took my most confident boy 6 weeks before he would take food from my hand. After that he became more comfortable with my presence. It took my other boy (the most nervous) a year and a half before he would even take food from me. Being slow and steady paid off with him in the end though! After that, they were fine with be sitting in their shed with them and were happy to come and sniff my hand, take food from me, but they don’t like being touched or handled and thats never changed - theyve been with me for 4 years. I only handle them for the essential purposes - weight and health checks, nail clips, cutting hair (one of them is long haired)

Your piggies will probably always startle at sudden noises, but as they settle in, they should come round from them quicker