Bonding an adult and teenage boar


Junior Guinea Pig
Apr 20, 2017
Reaction score
United States - East Coast
Nes is about 2 years old. He lost his 7 year old brother Ganon about a month ago. A couple weeks ago, we adopted a 1 year old boar, Merlin, from the same shelter we got Nes.

We're bonding them tonight, and I think it's going well. They've been in the bonding pen for about two and a half hours now. Nes, who was dominant with Ganon, has established dominance with Merlin. They spent about 90 minutes chasing, rumble strutting, teeth chattering, and nipping. But eventually Merlin gave in and now submission squeals whenever Nes comes near. Nes has been super friendly by guinea pig standards since. He's been going about business as usual, occasionally giving Merlin a butt sniff or nosing his chin, but being very tolerant of Merlin nipping back in fear or running away.

They've taken a few naps, and Nes keeps getting closer to Merlin each time. Nes was a huge snuggle bug with Ganon, so it looks like he really wants a friendship with Merlin to work out. Merlin has never been with another guinea pig before, so I think he's acting out of fear, but things seem to be calming down for longer periods between squealing and chases.

(Nes is the brown one, Merlin is the cow-colored one.)


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I've just moved them to the big pen after 4 hours in the bonding pen. It's back to chattering and chasing, with breaks to eat. They lay down for a couple minutes near each other, then picked back up again, but I'm hoping this means they're still on the path to stabilizing.

There's been some nipping, but no full on bites and no blood. I took out all the hides except for cuddle cups and log tunnels, so no one can be cornered. Merlin's laying down a lot and there doesn't seem to be a contest that Nes is in charge. I think Merlin is just over being humped and wants his space to explore.
They got through their first night together peacefully! Still some chasing, but I know they'll be doing this posturing for a couple weeks as they settle in together. For the most part they're sharing and have accepeted one another. :love:

When we bonded Nes to Ganon, Ganon was already an old man, so it was a lot calmer on Gan's part. Merlin is very people friendly, but is unsure how to be with a guinea pig. But Nes, for all his big pig energy, is clearly showing he wants a companion again and is willing to make it work. Now we just need to wait for Merlin to feel more at home.