Bonding advice


New Born Pup
Jan 2, 2022
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Hi. I recently lost one of my guinea pigs and I’m attempting to bond the remaining one with a new guinea pig. I got the new one on Monday and I’m not sure how well it’s been going. They seemed to be settling down yesterday but today there’s been a lot of teeth chattering and lunging. The other thing I’m worried about is the new guinea pig isn’t really able to go into the main area as my current one chases her when she emerges from her hiding place. She has access to food, water and hay in her hiding spot so has what she needs. I’m just wondering how long to let it go on for before I know whether to call it a day. No blood has been drawn and any stand offs do seem to resolve quickly. They have also eaten hay side by side today without incident.
Could you please give us a bit more background information to help us give further advice

How old are they?
Did you bond on neutral territory (without hides) for a few hours before moving them to the main cage?
Did you thoroughly clean the main cage so your original pig is less defensive of her territory?(lunging is a defensive, stay out of my space behaviour)
My original guinea pig is 2 and the new one is around 1 year 8 months. They were introduced at a rescue in a neutral space for a few hours. I also did thoroughly clean the cage before placing them in it. I even got new hides and toys so as much was new as possible.