Bonding Advice

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Mar 24, 2014
Reaction score
Albrighton West Mids
Having recently lost 2 boys , I now have 2 lonely cage mates- I was hoping that as they are next to each other in cages and so aware of each other they may bond and become a
new pair- NO such luck, Rascal is desperate to be friends (with anyone) and racing around trying to find his lost cage mate Vader- BUT Rio who lost Brodie, is just staying in the bedding area
and chatters and bites at Rascal if he comes near him.

I have another pair Whiskey (laid back) and baby Tyrion (5 months) - now Rio loves Tyrion - but Tyrion chatters at him
Rascal loves Tyrion - but Tyrion petrified and hides
Rascal loves Rio - but Rio chatters and fights him
Whiskey is friends to them all

So I can't make 2 pairs as Tyrion only likes Whiskey--

Should I take a little more time and try to let Rio and Rascal get used to each other day by day OR should I look for 2 new baby boars - one each ??
Hi @Sara

I would think that it may be better to date your two single boars for a friend that likes that them at a good rescue that offers this service. I wouldn't risk breaking up the existing couple.

Alternatively you could consider to have your two single boys neutered and paired up with a sow each. Crucial for that is to find the right vet, but we are better off for experienced neutering vets than boar dating rescues in our region.

Sorry, your thread must have ended up in the black hole that occasionally haunts the forum...
It's always the way isn't have four piggies but only one pair that get on together! Do hope you find a happy solution to your dilemma, let us know what happens. Will keep my fingers crossed you find new friends for your singles.
Firstly, you find a rescue that offers boar dating; you may have to go on a waiting list. In your case, it is either the RSPCA Walsall who offer boar to rescue baby boar dating (provided that they have got rescue born babies) or you could try Windwhistle Warren near Cheltenham.

Thanks, I have contacted Walsall RSPCA - but it seems they prefer to rehome to indoor piggys and mine live in cages in a shed outside- I have sent pics of my accommodation but they havn't got back to me yet
Thanks, I have contacted Walsall RSPCA - but it seems they prefer to rehome to indoor piggys and mine live in cages in a shed outside- I have sent pics of my accommodation but they havn't got back to me yet

Walsall are entirely volunteer run and notoriously slow in getting back. However, if you have got an insulated shed, you should be OK!
Yes it is insulated- and has lots floor space for play time, and 2 5x 5 foot secure garden areas to each side - so hopefully they consider that enough area for 6 piggies
Yes it is insulated- and has lots floor space for play time, and 2 5x 5 foot secure garden areas to each side - so hopefully they consider that enough area for 6 piggies

It sounds like a proper piggy paradise. Insulated sheds count as indoors. ;)
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