Junior Guinea Pig
I decided to go ahead with trying to bond Dougal and Gilbert ( as he is now called ) now rather than wait for the 2 week quaratine period to be up. I'm not beng irresponsible, but I feel I have to make the best choices possible for Dougal and Gilly appears to be quite healthy. He is gaining weight and his hair is looking much better. Anyway, I read up on the bonding advice before starting as I've not tried two boars together before.
Dougal and Gilly have been together for 3 days now. There has been no fighting ( that I'm aware of ). There was a little bit of mounting and circling and some yawning from Dougal but not from Gilly on day one but that has now stopped. Dougal is still rumbling and grumbling and if Gilly tries tries to approach him he will chase him away. Gilly appears to be trying his best to make friends. I'm certainly no expert on pig behaviour but it looks to me as if he is being submissive, trying to lick or kiss Dougal, trying to sit with him, etc. Dougal is having none of it. They will eat together but thats as far as it goes. Is this normal behaviour ? Is it likely to improve and they will develop a friendship? When I bond rabbits or rats they sometimes take to each other straight away or sometimes it can take days or weeks. Some advice would be appreciated.
Dougal and Gilly have been together for 3 days now. There has been no fighting ( that I'm aware of ). There was a little bit of mounting and circling and some yawning from Dougal but not from Gilly on day one but that has now stopped. Dougal is still rumbling and grumbling and if Gilly tries tries to approach him he will chase him away. Gilly appears to be trying his best to make friends. I'm certainly no expert on pig behaviour but it looks to me as if he is being submissive, trying to lick or kiss Dougal, trying to sit with him, etc. Dougal is having none of it. They will eat together but thats as far as it goes. Is this normal behaviour ? Is it likely to improve and they will develop a friendship? When I bond rabbits or rats they sometimes take to each other straight away or sometimes it can take days or weeks. Some advice would be appreciated.