Junior Guinea Pig
We have had a group of 6 guinea pigs (1 neutered male and 5 females) for a few months. They all get on well with no real issues.
We recently adopted 2 females with a view to add them to the group.
Last night we tied all 8 in the kitchen and everyone was fine apart from one of the new girls. She kep teeth chattering and nipping the others. They all walked away and did no fight back until about an hour into the meeting when a proper fight did break out between her and one of the more dominant females from the original group. Neither pig was serious hurt.
We seperated them back into their normal groups.
My question is - is it worth trying again? Or is it likely that it won't work? We are happy to do lots of short meetings over a long period if their is any possibility of it working.
Note: we have room for 2 groups if it never happens.
We have bonded lots of pairs / trios in the past but this is our first experience of large groups (and the group of 6 bonded like a dream).
Thanks you!
We recently adopted 2 females with a view to add them to the group.
Last night we tied all 8 in the kitchen and everyone was fine apart from one of the new girls. She kep teeth chattering and nipping the others. They all walked away and did no fight back until about an hour into the meeting when a proper fight did break out between her and one of the more dominant females from the original group. Neither pig was serious hurt.
We seperated them back into their normal groups.
My question is - is it worth trying again? Or is it likely that it won't work? We are happy to do lots of short meetings over a long period if their is any possibility of it working.
Note: we have room for 2 groups if it never happens.
We have bonded lots of pairs / trios in the past but this is our first experience of large groups (and the group of 6 bonded like a dream).
Thanks you!