Bonding A Trio With A Single Advice

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Adult Guinea Pig
Oct 8, 2010
Reaction score
Surrey UK
I need some help with forming a plan to bond my piggies.

I currently have a trio of a 3 1/2 year neutered male, 9 month female and 5 month female.

I also have a single female who is 5 1/2 who lost her friend recently.

I've been waiting for the right opportunity to bond them, I have more c&c supplies arriving this week to make a bigger cage so it's time to make a plan.

I've read through the pinned posts on bonding pigs however I would like some specific advice as I think it's going to be tricky.

The trio get on 'ok' but sam (neutered male) likes to try it on a lot with the girls which they don't like. The younger girl bessie is more accepting of him and they occasionally sleep next to eachother but the 9mnth girl nina is very defensive and will tell him off a lot. She'll also get annoyed with the little girl if she invades her space. But saying that they both love sam as he's so laid back it makes them relax as they're usually nervous.

My single female is quite a strong character who's bossy and not shy so I'm not sure how it's going to work. She may put sam in his place and possibly nina.

I showed them all to eachother through the bars and everyone was excited except nina who chattered a little.

Sorry this is quite long I'm just wondering if there's a specific order I should introduce them for best results.
I read that it is best to put the dominant pig into the bonding area first, but I don't think it matters hugely.
I would say just make sure you have a large and totally neutral area with lots of hay/grass and no hideys or tight corners.

I think every bonding is different, but hopefully yours will go smoothly.
Good luck.
Egh I have put the run up with neutral blankets with cage down the middle. Tilly sniffed nina through the bars but nina went to nip her. That's normal for nina anyway as she doesn't seem to like to be close to any pig but just worrying me :( I hate bonding pigs
I'm going to be doing the same thing soon when my newest piggy can meet the rest. I'm hoping as she's a baby in comparison that it'll all go okay. I'm going to do the same as last time.

When I introduced my boar to my original girls I had them in the kitchen with just hay and fresh veggies in the middle of the floor. They eventually calmed down (Rufus was the one being a pain). I just waited with a towel in case of squabbles.

Good luck. I hope it works out and they get along.
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