Bonding A Pair Into A Trio, Can It Work?

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Teenage Guinea Pig
Sep 13, 2010
Reaction score
This week has been tough and Ginger's death is still very new but him and his cage make Skittles we're separated as i didn't want her to catch anything from him while he was sick. I'm now worried about her and all of my other piggies are only two so she's has many happy years ahead of her.

In all i had six piggies but now skittles is left on her own, i have two sow pairings one of which i'm not even going to think about introducing Skittles two as Buttercup can be very hormonal certain weeks and has a really strong bond with her cage mate Baby, they sleep together and eat out the same bowl at the same time and groom each other, they have an amazing relationship.

However my other sow pairing Stripey and Patch have never been as close as the other two, they get along well and never fight but they don't cuddle up, they don't have hormonal phases like Buttercup and are generally passive and sweet natured.

Do you think i could introduce Skittles to them in the play pen or is that a disaster waiting to happen?

Thank you for the help and support guys! :)
This week has been tough and Ginger's death is still very new but him and his cage make Skittles we're separated as i didn't want her to catch anything from him while he was sick. I'm now worried about her and all of my other piggies are only two so she's has many happy years ahead of her.

In all i had six piggies but now skittles is left on her own, i have two sow pairings one of which i'm not even going to think about introducing Skittles two as Buttercup can be very hormonal certain weeks and has a really strong bond with her cage mate Baby, they sleep together and eat out the same bowl at the same time and groom each other, they have an amazing relationship.

However my other sow pairing Stripey and Patch have never been as close as the other two, they get along well and never fight but they don't cuddle up, they don't have hormonal phases like Buttercup and are generally passive and sweet natured.

Do you think i could introduce Skittles to them in the play pen or is that a disaster waiting to happen?

Thank you for the help and support guys! :)

As you have already got potential companions at home, it is always worth a try to see whether they make a relaxed trio. Not every pairing is as close, but it doesn't necessarily mean that they are not closely bonded in their own way. Unlike with boars at certain ages, a failed bonding won't come with the risk that your couple is in danger of falling out; if it is not be, they will happily go back together, and you know that you may want to rather look for a new friend for Skittles elsewhere.
Illustrated Bonding Behaviours And Dynamics
As you have already got potential companions at home, it is always worth a try to see whether they make a relaxed trio. Not every pairing is as close, but it doesn't necessarily mean that they are not closely bonded in their own way. Unlike with boars at certain ages, a failed bonding won't come with the risk that your couple is in danger of falling out; if it is not be, they will happily go back together, and you know that you may want to rather look for a new friend for Skittles elsewhere.
Illustrated Bonding Behaviours And Dynamics

Thank you wiebke, i was worried if they didn't like her it might cause a fight between them. I'll give it ago this weekend and let you know how i get on, if not i'll start looking up some rescues but hopefully these two will love her as much as i do! :)
It is definitely worth a try, I usually have trios of pigs and have only ever had one failed attempt at introducing a single female to an established pair. I've even found that introducing a third pig made my other two get along a lot better.
It is definitely worth a try, I usually have trios of pigs and have only ever had one failed attempt at introducing a single female to an established pair. I've even found that introducing a third pig made my other two get along a lot better.

Thanks that's encouraging, hopefully the introductions will go well this weekend! :nod:
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