Teenage Guinea Pig
This week has been tough and Ginger's death is still very new but him and his cage make Skittles we're separated as i didn't want her to catch anything from him while he was sick. I'm now worried about her and all of my other piggies are only two so she's has many happy years ahead of her.
In all i had six piggies but now skittles is left on her own, i have two sow pairings one of which i'm not even going to think about introducing Skittles two as Buttercup can be very hormonal certain weeks and has a really strong bond with her cage mate Baby, they sleep together and eat out the same bowl at the same time and groom each other, they have an amazing relationship.
However my other sow pairing Stripey and Patch have never been as close as the other two, they get along well and never fight but they don't cuddle up, they don't have hormonal phases like Buttercup and are generally passive and sweet natured.
Do you think i could introduce Skittles to them in the play pen or is that a disaster waiting to happen?
Thank you for the help and support guys!
In all i had six piggies but now skittles is left on her own, i have two sow pairings one of which i'm not even going to think about introducing Skittles two as Buttercup can be very hormonal certain weeks and has a really strong bond with her cage mate Baby, they sleep together and eat out the same bowl at the same time and groom each other, they have an amazing relationship.
However my other sow pairing Stripey and Patch have never been as close as the other two, they get along well and never fight but they don't cuddle up, they don't have hormonal phases like Buttercup and are generally passive and sweet natured.
Do you think i could introduce Skittles to them in the play pen or is that a disaster waiting to happen?
Thank you for the help and support guys!