Junior Guinea Pig
My oldest guinea pig is 3.5 years and her friend which was also a girl died a few weeks ago, she has been really depressed and lost her appetite so I have introduced her to a new pig who is 6 months old and also a female.
I introduced them yesterday and things went well, there was rumbling and humping but they didn't fight so I have put them together in a large c and c.
The youngest guinea pig won't stop humping the older guinea pig (she is definitely a girl) and she is also following her around and seems to just want to be near her all the time.
The older guinea pig rumbles when it happens and walks away into her house but doesn't really seem to mind, she gives her a gentle peck if she goes too far with it.
I was wondering how long I should expect this behaviour to go on for? My older guinea pig seems happier and her appetite has come back.
I introduced them yesterday and things went well, there was rumbling and humping but they didn't fight so I have put them together in a large c and c.
The youngest guinea pig won't stop humping the older guinea pig (she is definitely a girl) and she is also following her around and seems to just want to be near her all the time.
The older guinea pig rumbles when it happens and walks away into her house but doesn't really seem to mind, she gives her a gentle peck if she goes too far with it.
I was wondering how long I should expect this behaviour to go on for? My older guinea pig seems happier and her appetite has come back.