Bonding a 6 year old after berievement


Junior Guinea Pig
Jun 25, 2018
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Hi all, we lost our beloved Mr L on Saturday and the support here was beautiful (thankyou).
Taika is now very sad and I'm looking for a companion. Taika is approx 6 (at a guess).
I have emailed the nearest rescue but they have no boars of a similar age and directed me to a rescue that is too far away to travel to ( don't own transport)
Taika needs a friend so my questions are.... how do I find a companion outside of pet stores, I refuse to shop for a pig.

Also, seeing as my guy is a senior, what's the best age to look for as I can't afford to be stuck in a loop of adopting for companionship.

I'm very lost and still a bit in shock after losing Mr. L, they were both the same age.

I hope this makes sense, thank you
He's miserable without his and my bestie


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I’m sorry for your loss.

If he is struggling being alone you need to get him a new friend no matter what your feeling of the source. Taika’s companionship needs need to come first.

In this situation of no rescue and a piggy who is in desperate need of a companion, the best thing could actually be a pet shop because it enables him to have a friend today and it comes with consumer rights and protections for you.
I know you don’t want to support them, a lot feel the same way, but there is nothing wrong with getting a pet shop piggy in such a situation where a companion is needed quickly.

There is no right age for his new friend - it all comes down to character compatibility. This is why anywhere other than a rescue does mean you need a back up plan for living arrangements.

With a pet shop you have consumer rights if the companion is missexed (of course you need to check yourself) or becomes unwell within a certain time of being purchased (the shops usually cover the fees).
The thing would be that you are most likely to be getting a baby which would continue the piggy cycle.
A baby can be well accepted by an older piggy upon introduction. Youngsters welcome the guidance and an older boar is usually more than happy to give it.
A back up plan for living arrangements will be needed though as not everybody baby is accepted (watch the piggies and find one who seems to be submissive).
Do not quarantine a baby guinea pig. Bond in the day you bring one home.

With a private rehome, you have no consumer rights or protection. We see people bring home privately rehomed piggies and discover the previous owners weren’t truthful and find themselves with vet bills from the beginning for health conditions they themselves couldn’t afford. Of course a lot are rehomed for genuine reasons so it doesn’t mean you would definitely fall into that.
Either way you have no consumer rights in the case of any illness being brought in.
A piggy older than 4 months of age being brought home through private rehoming should be quarantined in a separate room for two weeks prior to introducing to Taika. However, you forego quarantine if Taika is struggling being alone and would need to bond straight away, accepting that you may have to put both piggies through treatment if a new piggy brings an illness in.
It may be possible to be find an older piggy, one closer Taika’s age through private rehoming but it doesn’t mean it would be a quick process.
A piggy of his own age, while the bonding is still going to come down to compatibility, older boars (5+) are usually more about companionship rather than dominance (testosterone has fizzled out). If they don’t have compatibility though then it won’t work no matter their age.

It’s really going to come down to which risks you are prepared to take and how long Taika can wait.

Good luck
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Brilliant advice thank you. I've mulled over what you have said for an hour now. Taika is doing much better than I had anticipated but solo floor time for example is really getting him down. He's an easy going guy but not a push over and can see him enjoying showing a baby the ropes. The risks of private rehoming scare me a lot, then again, the thought of a pet store pig does too as I've read they are often ill etc. However I think a baby from a store may be the way we have to go. Tai has so much life left in him and his happiness comes first always.
Thank you so much x
It’s not that they are ‘often’ ill, some can be but it’s absolutely not a given.
I’ll be honest I’ve had small animals for 35+ years, they have not all been rescues some have been from pet shops for one reason or another.
Ive never brought home any who have become unwell immediately due to being a pet shop animal. I had one pet shop rabbit who I lost to a genetic condition about a year after I got him.
The only way you can be sure of anything is a rescue centre and that would always be the preference. But, things happen, it’s not always possible and it then comes down to what you feel most comfortable with and what Tai needs.
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That's reassuring thank you! Wowzers you certainly do know what's what after 35+ years experience. All those lucky lil guys ❤️

My head is still fuzzy with grief tbh. It will be a week since we lost Mr L this coming Saturday so this week I will spend preparing and looking around.

Taika is munching on some pepper chatting with me, happy as can be but I know his mood will switch when he doesn't have his bestie to forage with at floor time.

You've given me some great advice and I appreciate it so very much thank you 😊