Bonding a 18 week old sow to bonded male and female couples


New Born Pup
Aug 21, 2024
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Hi, we rescued a bonded male (neutered) and female pair in August and 2 weeks ago saw a lone 18 week old girl in PAH. I vowed never to get one from PAH but I just couldn't leave her. She's been in quarantine for just over 2 weeks and today we put her in her own 4x2 cage next to our other two. Our initial plan was to find our baby sow a friend, however she's seems really stressed being on her own next to the others cage (she's not right next to them but can see them). She keeps running back and forth trying to climb to get to them. My daughter is not wanting to bond her with our other two as she's worried it will ruin their relationship, however it's so heartbreaking to see the baby stressed. What would be your advice?
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Well done you for taking them all on. Don’t beat yourself up over taking an unwant3d piggie from PAH, many members in here have done so, and all piggies deserve a forever hime

Someone with more experience will be in soon to give you advice. I would be inclined to put her cage up right next to the others and bond on neutral territory in a week or two. She will calm down once she realises she cannot get to them. It all comes down to personalities really but a baby poses no threat to the other piggies hierarchy and it would be very unlikely for them to harm her but bear in mind she is now actually a young teenager in piggie terms

have a good read through our Bonding guide, it’s really helped me in the past