bonding 6 week old boar with Lennie

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Mar 12, 2007
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I would welcome your thoughts on the behaviour of my two boars. Lennie is 6 months old and I have had him for about 4 weeks. He is a big old softie, having come leaps and bounds from the scared piggy he was at first. I got a 6 week old boar on Saturday (Timmy) who was so timid, he hid all the time (which I could understand). I kept them seperate until today when I put them together in a neutral space. I can hardly believe it as I was worried Lennie would try to be the dominant one and the baby may get hurt but it is Timmy who is mounting Lennie and annoying him. Lennie is putting up with it, bless him, and runs away. They have been out together now for about 4 hours and there are a lot of strange noises coming from Lennie.
Do you think I should put them in Lennies hutch together tonight or keep them seperate? It is a large two storey hutch.
Your advice would be most appreciated!
All you can do is try them in the hutch together, which I expect you have done by now! Thats why older boars and babies make the best partners because as you've seen the older ones make allowances for tiny babies and let them push their luck so far!
Hi Sue, hope you are well! Yes I did leave them in the hutch together last night and all seems well this morning. Lennie seems to mostly ignore Timmys attentions and it was so funny last night as Lennie was running round the sitting room with Timmy on his back! It is the most excercise I have ever seen Lennie do as he is normally content to eat loads and snooze. I just hope Timmy doesn't bully him too much ;D
Lennie will let Timmy know when he's had enough! My pookie is exactly the same with babies - he either wanders off and hides or just bops them on the head! As you can see its the best thing for both of them - Isn't amazing how their personality changes when they have company of their own kind? Lovely too! Enjoy!
Hey that's great to read, awww Lennie what a great boy he is, so lay back LOL Timmy on Lennie's back had me in fits of laughter ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D
Hey Fi do you think we could have the pics of them both?
I will try to get pics of them both soon Glynis! Lennie is very photogenic but having a job getting one of Timmy as he runs away when I go near him. It was hilarious last night though-I could have entered them for the derby races!
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